How does one offset a low GPA

Hello everyone. I am currently in the process of applying for an MFIN or MFE and would appreciate some advice as to which programs I should be looking at. My stats are:

Economics and Finance major with a minor in computer science from India from a top 10 university.

GPA : 3.11/4 ( This, this right here is my biggest concern, as it should be . Enough shit had to go down in my life right when I was in college , my brother's death, dad loosing his job(only earning member), me taking up a job and then loosing that job because i went for summer internships)

GRE: 335 ( Q169 V166)

Letter of Recs : 1 from a professor who is quite famous ( chief economist for Slovenia and Slovakia at one point in time) and another well known political economics professor in India.
Internships : 2 Summer internships ( Macroeconomic research for a large Indian, oil corporation and 1 in business strategy at IBM).

Research : Research assistant for a working paper for one my recommending professors , oil pricing research in my internship, 3 research projects for different econ courses).

I have taken liner algebra , discreet math, calc 1 and 2 , econometrics 1, 2 and 3 ( calculus intensive ) and courses in probability for CS and Econ separately. I am pretty good at python , R , Stata , MATLAB. I have cleared the CFA L1 and the FRM L1.

My biggest issue is that I have 3 Cs in economics courses ( none of them had any math in them ) but I also have gotten mostly Bs and a couple of As in my math intensive courses.
With no full time work experience I am rather confused about which MFE/MFIN programs, I have realistic shot at and how to work around my GPA, since I do not want to explain any of it in my SOP. I have of course looked over Tandon , Baruch , UCLA , UCB among others but curious as to what kind of chances I have at these programs and what are some programs I should be looking at.
Thanks a lot for your help!
except ucb and baruch u will get into everything else if u try hard enough
did you already apply for fall 2020?
Oh thanks, just curious as to what you mean by hard enough.
I am still in the process of applying for 2020( need to give the IELTS and fine tune my SOPs )
3.16 here, if you ace GRE, lors and had rigorous math courses (and it seems you did) what can I tell you is this:

Show that you are self driven without being self centered and show that you will provide a unique irreplaceable value to the university.
I think your background is very strong, you should show your professional background as much as possible in your resume, such as your quantitative skills and IT skills, in PS and essay you should pay more attention to how to express your professional background and how you fits the program.
You should focus on how to show you are well prepared for your future career through your PS and essay. BTW, I think the GPA may not look high, but you can try to highlight your major GPA (such as economics and math, computer courses) and major or class ranking, emphasizing your GRE scores and internships. What's more, now that many MSFE programs need candidates to record video essays and join the skype interviews to judge more, GPA is not the only factor of application.