How to apply with a profile like mine

Hi, how are you doing?, I am a 25 years old graduated and I wanna study a quantitative finance/financial engineering master beyond self-learning

I'll try to be short, I have been in finace since I am a child since my dad runs an accounting firm. There I had to learn programming and deal with a great amounts of data. I wanted to get far away of accountancy and programming since I wanted to learn new things so I studied a Bachelor of Engineering in Mining and Metallurgy, there was when I found all these topics of Quants: Asset Pricing, Stochastic Calculus, Time Series, Portafolio Theory and so on
I want to study a formal master in this topics, and I want to study in a top school, but I do not want a program based in the more convenient for working in a Bank or any institution.

I want a program I could choose almost all my courses, so I am inclined to study in UZH because I am lithuan too so would be cheaper and even convenient for me. I am not closed to study in US or UK but I think my perfil is horrible to get inside a top school there even with a good GRE

Therefore I am asking you to evaluate my perfil so you can tell me what real posibilities I have to study in a good place, but I think I am actually screwed up due my grades even if I was a top student in my major because here professors say: "10 is for god, 9 is for me, so good luck..." :, it is impossible get perfect top GPA at least in my school.

I do not know my possibilities to get into IVYs if I would apply there, or Imperial in the UK, or to get admitted into the UZH/ETH with this CV, I also feel my career is getting far from finance, I was looking to enter in finance last year as you can see, but because the outbreak I entered into ecommerce services saying myself it was just provissional, but I just got a really good position in coding in an international company so I feel frustrated and I do not know what to do to get into these masters

Could you give me your IMHOs please? 😞 I really feel so bad, and I truly want to study this, My knowledge in accounting, finance, coding, and engineering is perfect for me to go this path, or at least I think so

Thanks beforehand


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico | (UNAM) Mexico City, Mexico
-Bachelor of Engineering in Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, School of Engineering Jan 2020 GPA: 8.12/10

  • Relevant Coursework: Probability, Numerical Analysis, Statistics, Geostatistics, Mining Economics, Mining Prospecting, Mining Investing Management
  • Featured Competencies:
  • Mathematical reasoning, especially in probability, statistics and risk calculation
  • Planning of mining-metallurgical projects: Exploration, Project finance and feasibility
  • Programming
-Graduate Diploma in Finance, School of Accountancy and Business Administration Oct 2019 GPA: 9.56/10
Relevant Coursework: Evaluation of Investment Projects, Corporative Finance, Business Evaluation, Stock Markets, Derivatives, Securities, International Finance

Instituto Politecnico Nacional | (IPN) Mexico City, Mexico
-Engineering Technician in Programming Jul 2014 GPA: 7.54/10

Relevant Coursework: Object-Oriented Programming, Web Services, Databases, Distributed computing, Debugging Methods


Envios Infinito Mexico City, Mexico
Senior Developer August 2021-Present

  • Manage and Desig the project(I do not know yet waht to put here 😅 I just got into)
Envios Infinito Mexico City, Mexico
Chief Technology Officer December 2020 - August 2021

  • Proposed and implemented solutions to improve the conversion of prospects to customers, improving it by 200%
  • Improved effectiveness and efficiency by automating processes in the areas of sales, management and customer service.
  • Lessered the work of company agents by the development of a chatbot which manage most common customer issues.
  • Integrateed data analysis system, allowing to take key decisions for non-eye-seeable issues.
Kosher It’s Mexico City, Mexico
Chief Technology Officer Jul 2020 – August 2021

  • Implemented and supervised applications for customers, restaurants and agents for both Android and IOS
  • Improved system performance by finding pattens on customers’ behavior
  • Yielded reports based in analytics and convenient KPI’s to be used to advice and consulting of the different areas
  • Developed and implemented the creation of a server which could communicate between the different parts involved
  • Spearheaded leads in the accountancy and financial departments to improve service, performance and functionality of the whole company
Reyna Silver Corp. Mexico City, Mexico
Intern, Financial Analyst March 2020

  • Analyzed the different risks related with the Initial Public Offering (IPO) and its fusion with MAG Silver Corp.
  • Corroborated the profitability and viability of the whole project, which involved five mines in Mexico
  • Collaborated in the creation of advertising material for the IPO using the geological analysis of Dr. Peter Megaw, authority in geology and founder of MAG Silver
Industrial and Mining Solution (INMSO) Zacatecas, Mexico
Intern, Data Analyst Jan 2020 - Feb 2020

  • Developed and implemented a new database system to record all data related to the daily production
  • Evaluated risk areas within the mine to advise management in making decisions that led to improved safety
  • Elaborated a report based on school parameters to compare with other internship reports, to analyze new ways to improve mining
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico | (UNAM), School of Engineering Mexico City, Mexico
Social Service, Professor’s Assistant Aug 2018 - Feb 2019

  • Recorded into a database of the rocks and minerals owned by “Palacio de Mineria” and the Department of Earth Sciences
  • Assisted professor in grading students and provided support to students


Research Assistant Oct 2019 - April 2021

Research and analyze Mexico’s mining industry with a focus on “ESG investing” trends, commodities trading, changes in Mexico's mining investment prospects in a short and long-term time span
