How to change career path to quant if I am Physics PhD?... Help!

Hello; I just would like to know what is happening when I send resumes for Entry Level Quant...this is because I seem to have all the requirements the job posters are asking: experience programming in C, C++, and FORTAN 77 in my case on physical systems using Monte Carlo methods, a good background in Mathematical modeling and probability theory, etc. I don't have work experience in this area, but I have been able to reproduce, on my own, articles and peer reviewed papers on Stochastic Volatility Models, solving stochastic differential equations, time series statistical analysis; all this for daily average returns, etc. Now I am interested in High Frequency time series and ACD models, etc.....

I think this background satisfies what the job posters are asking from an Entry Level Position...However I haven't got an interview. Could it be that the only problem is that I don't have a British or US Citizenship?...I will appreciate if someone can help me to understand what is missing or what I am doing wrong...Thanks
I doubt that people can comment on incomplete data.
There are many PhD's looking for jobs now, having the diploma is not enough. Also, to be direct, work visa matters a lot for big banks. They are under close scrutiny in this area.

Furthermore, without knowing much, I could guess that you are missing networking and "proved" quantitative experience. First one is very important especially for niche positions. Second one can be a degree in quant finance or some relevant work experience.
where are you sending the resumes? Why don't you work with a recruiter? That's your best bet.
Well, I have been searching for quant jobs on the net. And I look at Entry Level jobs...where prior experience is not requested. One I just applied for was with Global Quant Recruitment a few days ago... I guess this is what you meen by a recruiter. We'll see what happens, but I have sent resumes before and haven't been succesfull.

What else can I do? I live in Mexico, and I have only met one person that knows this kind of profession exists. Thanks for the tip.
Bah GQR isn't amazing IMO. They're highly impersonal.

Here's my suggestion--go on LinkedIn, join a few groups, and in the job boards on those groups, post a job for recruiters, and list your credentials.

I'm not sure if this is disingenuous or not, but placing a candidate with firms is a job for recruiters, so just as recruiters can place jobs for candidates, I'd guess that candidates can place jobs for recruiters.
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