How to complete this course to get a certificate(Urgent)

Hi Andy and all,
I need to complete this course in order to get a certificate by mid October. I have finished 8 quiz without enrolling in the course. Could anyone tell me the whole process to finish this online course step by step. I appreciate your help.
Hi Andy and all,
I need to complete this course in order to get a certificate by mid October. I have finished 8 quiz without enrolling in the course. Could anyone tell me the whole process to finish this online course step by step. I appreciate your help.

In order to complete the course you need to:

- Complete homework exercises for levels 1-9 (this is the main portion of the course - see the link to see the grading scheme for the course:
- Complete quizzes for levels 1-10 (your scores from the quizzes do not count towards your final grade but are a great way to make sure you understand the main concepts from the current level and give you access to the materials for the next level)
- Once you complete level 9, schedule a Skype exam with your TA

To pass the course you need to get an overall grade of at least 70% and to pass with distinction you will need to get an overall grade of at least 90%

Enjoy the course! It's a lot of fun :)
Welcome to the course @Yifan Jiang
Justine gave a very comprehensive answer.
Now, all you need to do is complete and submit all the HW from level 1-9 and take the final exam with your TA.
As soon as you are done with that, you will earn a certificate. You have 16 weeks to complete the certificate but if you want it sooner, it's up to you how fast you can do your HW.

Have fun and goodluck.