How to land a job or an internship with humble master in Finance ?

Hi everyone

I have many questions regarding the internships and jobs in finance industry, I have never had the chance to acquire good education, I lived in Morocco for 19 years and I 'm now in France to pursue my study in the university of Grenoble, I have been in this forum since 2011 and I felt desperate when I saw that many people have graduated from top universities to land such jobs, the equation I got is :

Top university = job in finance.

Currently I'm working on my skills in Mathematics, Computer science and Economics. I know what job I want to do in which sectors and what career development I'm seeking, all this because of the career magazines I have read in this forum.

Do I have a chance to get an internship in Investment Bank or any firm working in the field as analyst with a Degree in Statistics from the University of Grenoble ? Do the recruiters take in consideration the self training ? As we know any financial analyst starting working in this sector must have a good level in computer science like coding, If I succeed to master computer skills required for the internship or the job, Do the employers take me even though I don't have a degree in computer science ?

Many people live in cities far from financial centers, what do you suggest to overcome this obstacle, Is it
mandatory to live in Paris ( for my situation) to get a job or an internship or I have to start with small firms ?

Thank you for your help, I ve got a lot of orientation advices from this Forum.
Yes there is certainly a correlation between attending a top university and finding a relatively better job. But the correlation is simply a correlation and not a cause. The fact that many students graduating from good schools get jobs is because they tend to work harder and are generally smarter/more motivated than the rest of the bunch. So recruiters typically want to interview these students over student from a tier 2/3 schools. Essentially, recruiters think there are more qualified applicants in top universities versus subpar ones. So why waste time any where else?

The world of finance is tricky. In the past, people from state school get jobs on Wall Street and now their are MD/Partners etc... I am not sure of the trend now but I know for a fact people from schools other than say top 25 on US News get jobs in IBD and ST in various places around US.

Well bottom line is that recruiters want to see how hungry you are. Since your from University of Grenoble, you have to work your ass off and know more than the kids from ivys. You might even get rejected without an interview from all the BBs (unless you have some form of connection). Your job is to network like crazy and hope someone likes you and passes your resume for an interview. Once you get the interview you better destroy it.

EDIT: just read the Paris part of your post... Idk how Europe works so just read what I said with that thought in mind.