Immunization form

can any one tell me till what time do we have to submit the immunization form ??

can we submit it after we reach US ??

I believe you could submit it any time before registration for your first semester. What I did last year is to fax the form and call them to confirm they received it.

look at this: Measles, Mumps and Rubella Immunization - Baruch College
Q. I am an out-of-state student enrolling for the first time at Baruch College; what must I do?
You will have to submit documentation of proper immunization prior to being permitted to register for classes.

the form just says of meningitis and mmr....

any more required ???

and is there any time frame stipulation.....for e.g. it should be taken in last 3 months or something like that ??
I believe meningitis is optional (although it is better to take it).
MMR is mandatory. However, if you do not have any proof of taking the vaccine,
they will perform a antibody analysis..If that turns positive you are good.

If that turns negative you can get immunized (2 shots seperated by a month).
MMR vaccination(and the antibody tes) is free for Baruch(CUNY) students, as long as it is done in authorized clinics.
Although, Baruch does not have mandatory health insurance, they will need proof of medical insurance before they perform the antibody test..I am not sure if they will immunize directly (without the antibody test) without health insurance..confirm that from the health services department.

I think for the first semester you can get waived for the immunization, but you should be immunized/show proof before registration starts for the second semester.

Hope this helps.
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