Importance of Computer Science background

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sushant
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I recently talked with several current international MFE students at the top 10 institutes and they all unanimously viewed a computer science undergrad degree as a distinct advantage, as far as getting interview calls for jobs was concerned. One of them went so far as to say that it was much more advantageous than even getting a 3.9 or 4.0 GPA (he himself has a 4.0 GPA currently in his program), in terms of fetching interview calls. In light of this, I want to ask what options do non-CS undergrads have to enhance their CS credentials, or something that could improve their resume for quant-jobs. I understand that there are C++ courses to be taken, but are there any other things too that can be done to strentgthen your CS profile? Can scoring high marks in the CS subject GRE help? Does doing well at some coding competitions compensate for a non-CS undergrad?

Or, do you guys think that the impression I've got from talking to 5-6 people is not the true picture of how things stand vis-a-vis entry level quant recruitments?

All ideas are most welcome.
I don't believe that computer science background could make a huge difference. In my opinion, a certificate in C# suffices. But maybe you can go for Microsoft certificates (SQL and etc).
I'd refine"CS" to mean a deep insight into computers which gets you to the point where you know the difference between a pointer, a smart pointer and a stack pointer, indeed unless you know all three don't ever call yourself a competent programmer on a resume you send me.

Most quants don't need to go deeper into the machine than stack pointers but you need a model of the system architecture in your head.

Doing well at programming competitions is also good, though be aware that I mean "programming" if it's some artsgrad shit where pretty pictures or web page layouts are the focus, don't try.

There are other games in town like Python or C# and it's possible to get by in Java, but the key here is to be better than other people, with Java you can only really get "as good as", if you can hack C++ you can aim at "better than".
Maybe it's important in future but I don't think it's an advantage in application. Students with Math background and Finance-related internship are more competitive in my opinion.
I am doing MFE from UMichigan and am joining an internship next month. I don't have CS undergraduate but have strong programming skills.
IMO, 2 areas have strong potential to differentiate you from other "for getting a call" - Programming or Maths. Both look great on your resume, where Maths beats programming(also depends on role). Certifications can be last choice if you cannot prove your skills in any other manner such as competitions/projects. Practical knowledge is much different from Academic knowledge and recruiters know that..... you may like to start learning programming which will not ensure a job but surely will give you and edge. My suggestion - don't just learn programming to get more calls, first try to find out if you really are OK with coding to some extent.

All the best !!