Internship Ideas to get into Quant down the line

Hi, Im a civil engineering senior looking to get into the Quant-Research space later down the line. I would have had my major align more but I'm learning about the quant space within the last year and half. With that I intend to get an MFE but I'd like to have some experience that aligns with the space. Are there any ideas of internships I can look for as an undergrad that will get me more primed for the Quant field further down the line? Hoping to start maybe a fall, winter, or spring internship and transfer to full time role and do that for a 2-3 years before MFE.

This is a very broad question about an industry that has a wide range of job functions. You need to narrow down some more specific roles in order to target and plan.
You are still early in the process so no need to rush. The more prepared you are, the happier the outcome.
I'll start with the master reading list
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