Is Quantnet's C++ course worth it?

A little bit of background on me - I've done my bachelor's in computer science but having said that, my programming skills are not that great. I know the basic C++ syntax and I prefer to code using python. I am about to join Columbia's MFE course in August and I have about 3 months to complete this course. Will doing the Level 1 (I won't have the time to do Level 2) of the course make me more employable before I go for the program or should I spend my time and money on some other alternative? Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Your choice at the end of the day.
QN C++ is the best investment you will ever make. I'm not kidding. When you finish you will have a skill.

BTW I am the originator.

(After that you will learn Python in a couple of weeks.)
A little bit of background on me - I've done my bachelor's in computer science but having said that, my programming skills are not that great. I know the basic C++ syntax and I prefer to code using python. I am about to join Columbia's MFE course in August and I have about 3 months to complete this course. Will doing the Level 1 (I won't have the time to do Level 2) of the course make me more employable before I go for the program or should I spend my time and money on some other alternative? Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
You may find this a useful read: How Quantnet's C++ certificates got me a job on Wall Street
I've found it more useful than university courses. For typical university course, there's a bit of a copy paste element, and a lot of discussion about issues that are kind of obvious while missing issues that are pretty important (why do we need header files). Professor Duffy has organized this course in the most streamlined, comprehensive fashion I've seen. The gaps between the lectures and assignments are similar to the gaps ecountered in practice, and force you to think through the code and get used to using resources like stack overflow and the forums. Learning C++,my python programming has improved because 1) I understand object oriented approach better and 2) I see what kinds of things are happening behind the scenes in python.
Thank you, Onegin. A piece of background is that our courses were originally designed for developers in industry and we developed toolkits and libraries in C++, which helped us keep focused and practical.

I wanted to say 1) and 2) as well, but if I had said it then no one would believe me :D
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