Is Securitization Coming Back?

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In a nutshell, yes, but not in the way the industry hopes.

In a Financial Times article. Gillian Tett files a somewhat dumbfounded report from the European Securitization Forum in Cannes. While the event has gone wildly downscale from last year's bash, the participants were hopeful that the return of good times was just around the corner. As we'll see posthaste, Tett doesn't buy it. She sees regulators primed to attack the loopholes and oversights that allowed the high profit products, particularly CDOs, to flourish. Yes, securitization will come back, but it seems certain to be only the plain vanilla, low margin sort.

There's another constraint that Tett omits, Securitization depends on credit enhancement. That can be accomplished three ways: overcollateralization, credit default swaps, and insurance. The latter two were the most common methods for more complicated deals. Yet as the credit crisis has progressed, CDS protection writing capacity is scarce and costly, and measures to move CDS to exchanges and force standardization of terms would make them less suitable for new issues. Paul Jackson wrote about the problem shortly after the annual meeting of the American securitization industry's big confab:
While the monoline business may or may not be less important in the municipal bond markets due to the unbelievably low incidence of defaults, the guaranty business is actually far more important to the MBS business than most have given attention to thus far — precisely because defaults can and do happen.

For secondary mortgage market participants, resolving this crisis isn't just a piece of the puzzle; it might be the puzzle. At the American Securitization Conference in Las Vegas last week, many investment bankers suggested on panels and in hallways that the bond insurer mess is the single largest issue keeping the private-party market from having a chance at establishing any modicum of recovery going forward.​
As we know, the monolines have gone down for the count.

(Nalin- Monolines gave a tough fight to save their sacred "Aaa" ratings but now they are losing the battle and soon we will see them on a negative rating action list. This is one of those "rare" events that the street believed to happen with the lowest probabitlity yet it is coming true. Well, with monolines in the drain we will see some bloodbath atleast in CDO and CLOs and especially in those deals where "Super Seniors" were created using negative basis trade - buying cash and buying protection from monolines at a lower spread keepig the small spread between the coupon and insurance payment.


From the Financial Times:

[W]hat was more noteworthy about this week's {European Securitisation Forum] gathering in Cannes was just how many bankers still seem to think - or hope - that this champagne drought will prove short-lived.

For while nobody is brave enough right now to predict that subprime mortgages are about to return, there was plenty of excitement in Cannes about opportunities in other asset classes. Auto loans, for example, are currently considered hot; so is Islamic finance. Meanwhile, one banker chirpily predicted that we will soon see the launch of some CDOs based on Russian consumer debt. "This stuff always comes back. Just give it a few months," he said.

Well, perhaps. But I suspect that some of this optimism is pretty delusional. For the events of the last year have not just hurt investor confidence in the securitisation process, they have also left regulators horrified by the degree to which bankers have abused banking loopholes in recent years.

In normal times, bankers tend to be pretty cynical - even scathing - about what these regulators might think. (Indeed, one top representative from PWC had the temerity to declare in Cannes this week that the industry already had the regulators "under control", although he noted the European parliament was less malleable.)

I suspect, however, that bankers would be foolish to discount the regulators this time. For some of the ideas currently floating around the supervisory community could potentially have a big impact on the securitisation world for years to come.

Take the matter of the capital treatment of trading books. In recent weeks, some Western supervisors have conducted intensive analysis on banks' trading books and discovered, to their horror, that some banks have been exploiting so many regulatory loopholes in recent years that they have got away with posting virtually no capital reserves against assets, such as the senior tranches of CDOs.

This situation reflects badly on the regulators who devised these rules - and even worse on supervisors who were supposed to police them. However, now they have woken up to the problem, many regulators want to act, probably by imposing much higher capital charges for assets in the trading book.

This has big implications for parts of the CDO world. Most notably, the banks will have far less economic incentive to create instruments such as mortgage-bond CDOs, or so-called single-tranche CDOs, if they can no longer park the senior CDO debt on their trading books for free.

In other words, one upshot of the regulatory rules is that when securitisation does return, it is likely to be in a dramatically simpler form, centred around more traditional lines of business, such as creating mortgage-backed bonds. And the key point about this is that these "simple" business lines tend to be far less profitable than the complex stuff or, more accurately, wacky stuff that uses free money in spades.

So the upshot is this: securitisation is certainly not dead; but it is unlikely to produce endless champagne again anytime soon. And anybody setting out for the ESF events in the coming years had better develop a taste for cheap beer.​
I suspect that a lot of new issuance will be in the form of re-securitization or re-remic, i.e. deals backed by bonds that have been previously issued. As matter of fact we are seeing this trend in the market this year.

Although there's some skepticism
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Repackaged Mortgage Garbage Is Still Garbage

if the deal is structured with the proper level of overcollateralization, the re-remic bonds should give investor enough principal protection against potential losses.
As we know, the monolines have gone down for the count.

(Nalin- Monolines gave a tough fight to save their sacred "Aaa" ratings but now they are losing the battle and soon we will see them on a negative rating action list. This is one of those "rare" events that the street believed to happen with the lowest probabitlity yet it is coming true. Well, with monolines in the drain we will see some bloodbath atleast in CDO and CLOs and especially in those deals where "Super Seniors" were created using negative basis trade - buying cash and buying protection from monolines at a lower spread keepig the small spread between the coupon and insurance payment.


I think most of the problems will reside in those so-called mezzanine CDO, which were collateralized mainly by subordinate MBS bonds, rated AA or below. Those CDO's structured with mainly super-senior bonds should not suffer significant, in many instances if any, losses, regardless of the credit-worthiness of the monolines' guarantees.
I suspect that a lot of new issuance will be in the form of re-securitization or re-remic, i.e. deals backed by bonds that have been previously issued. As matter of fact we are seeing this trend in the market this year.

Although there's some skepticism
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Repackaged Mortgage Garbage Is Still Garbage

if the deal is structured with the proper level of overcollateralization, the re-remic bonds should give investor enough principal protection against potential losses.

john, i have trouble visualizing the difference between re-remics and CDOs. to me they both represent repackaging of mortgage-bonds and division into different tranches of seniority.
Could you perhaps shed some light on this?
a correction on my part. Re-remic structure do not generally come with overcollateralization. The credit enhancement to the offered re-remic certificates typically consists of subordination of certificates in the underlying deal (the original deal). In a way the re-remic is like a pure-pass through certificate, with principal, interest and losses flowing from the underlying deal to the re-remic deal. So you are really buying an interest in the mortgage pools backing the underlying bonds.

Here's a recent example of a re-remic deal, with the

This RALI (issuer) 2008-QR1 deal is backed by specific bonds from RALI 2006-QS11 (class I-A2) & RALI 2006-QS12 ( class II-A12).

Whereas re-remic has a static structure, CDO is generally a actively-managed vehicle. By investing in a CDO on the other hand, you are investing in an ability of a CDO manager to select & manage a pool of assets. Another difference is that there's typically overcollateralization and interest coverage tests associated with a CDO.
In a nutshell, if there is demand for the product then these "zombie" CDOs will rise again