Job offers or Internship offers during/after Columbia MAFN

Columbia's MAFN, like Columbia's IEOR and unlike NYU's program, has no mandatory internship between the 2nd and 3rd semesters, if I undertstand correctly.

Does this mean most students find jobs to enter directly into in May, when the MAFN program is over?
Can a current student in the Columbia MAFN program, or an alumnus of this program from within the last couple of years, comment on this and provide details/statistics?

And what kind of jobs do most alumni find upon graduating?
I did speak to someone from MFAN and he said that you have to complete the program in 2 semsters (if fulltime), which leaves you with no time to do an internship.
Columbia MAFN, UNLIKE Columbia MSFE and MSOR, doesn't allow time for summer internship because students are required to finish the degree in 1 year. Both MSFE and MSOR students can finish their program in 1.5 year in order to do summer internship.
Keep in mind that the Columbia MFE program has been a one year program for many years until recently where you have an option to extend it another semester to give students more time to find internship/full time job.