Job Posting | Risks-X, SUSTech is recruiting Postdoctoral Researchers and Ph.D. Students

About Risks-X:
The Institute of Risk Analysis, Prediction and Management (Risks-X), is an associated research institute co-founded by SUSTech and ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich) in 2019 and the only research program conducted by ETH Zurich cooperating with a Chinese mainland higher education institution at a university level. Led by Prof. Didier Sornette, the member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences as well as Full Professor of Entrepreneurial Risks at the Department of Management, Technology and Economics at ETH Zurich, and Prof. Chen Xiaofei, the Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences as well as initiatory departmental head of Earth and Space Sciences, the Risks-X is committed to establishing a revolutionary management platform for dynamic risks and developing tools of real-time monitoring, analog simulation, meta-analysis and prediction and early warning responding to various extreme risks in the natural and social system based on interdisciplinary studies and data-driven approach. The Risks-X mainly involves in the studies of six highly-interdisciplinary domains, including risks of financial and economic system, natural disasters, energy security, public health, major infrastructure, social dynamism and stability.

Introduction of the Research Team:

Academician Didier Sornette:

Didier Sornette, Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences, Fellow of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences, Co-dean and Chair Professor of the Institute of Risk Analysis, Prediction & Management (Risks-X) at Southern University of Science and Technology, Professor Emeritus at ETH Zurich, Professor on the Chair of Entrepreneurial Risks, associated with the Department of Earth Sciences (D-ERDW) and the Department of Physics (D-PHYS), ETH Zurich, Director of the Financial Crisis Observatory (Homepage), Co-founder of the ETH Risk Center (Homepage), Member of the Swiss Finance Institute (More Information about SFI), Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and Fellow of the World Innovation Foundation (WIF). Prof. Sornette is a pioneering figure in the domain of complex systems and extreme risk management. He is renowned as a leader in various disciplines like complex systems, statistical physics, geophysics, and econophysics. His “Dragon-King” theory of extreme events, coupled with rigorous data-driven statistical analysis methods, identifies, mitigates, and predicts instability in complex systems and various types of extreme risks. His work has been successfully applied to financial risks, earthquake prediction, nuclear safety, network and information security, social networks, medicine, and other complex systems.

For five consecutive years, Prof. Sornette has been listed in the “Career-long Impact” and “Single Recent Year Impact” of the Stanford University “Top 2% Scientists in the World”. He has authored over 800 academic papers, published 13 monographs, with over 54,000 citations on Google Scholar and an H-index of 114. In the past five years, Prof. Sornette has continued to be at the forefront of research, publishing 20-40 academic papers annually, with an average yearly citation exceeding 3000.

He has also served as an expert consultant for several world-renowned aerospace companies, banks, funds, and reinsurance companies, including roles such as Chief Risk Advisor for Bank of America, Expert Consultant at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Board Member of the Scientific Foundation of SCOR, a leading global independent reinsurance company.

Assistant Professor Sandro Lera:
Prof. Lera is an Assistant Professor at Business School and the Institute of Risk Analysis, Prediction & Management (Risks-X) at Southern University of Science and Technology, Ph.D. supervisor, and Visiting Scholar at MIT. His research focuses on data mining in socio-economic systems, financial physics, and complex systems. Sandro Lera earned his Ph.D. in Economics, Management, and Technology from ETH Zurich in 2018. Post-graduation, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher under the guidance of renowned data scientist Alex Pentland at the MIT Media Lab, and led projects funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and Singapore National Research Foundation. He has published a series of high-level research contributions in the field of information science, especially in management science and complex systems, including ten first-author papers in prestigious international journals such as PNAS. Some of his research has been covered by multiple magazines and media outlets. Additionally, Sandro Lera has a background in algorithmic trading and has formulated quantitative trading strategies for several internationally renowned companies.

Research Directions for Recruitment (Including for Postdoctoral Researchers and Ph.D. Students):

(1) Quantitative Finance: Research and analysis in financial risk management, quantitative trading strategy development and assessment, market microstructure, portfolio management modeling, etc.
(2) Data Analysis and Data Engineering: Data mining in socio-economic systems, complex systems, complex networks, multi-agent modeling in finance and society, development of data visualization engineering, etc.
(3) Seismology: Statistical seismology, machine learning applied to earthquake predictability, early warning systems for earthquakes and landslides based on multi-source data, modeling natural disaster risks, assessment of natural disasters' impacts on industrial and supply chains, etc.

For details on some of the postdoctoral research projects, please refer to Open positions . We also welcome outstanding candidates in any area related to the Risks-X Institute to submit their resumes.

Postdoctoral Researcher Positions

Recruitment Requirements:
(1) Ph.D. graduates or outstanding soon-to-graduate Ph.D. students, with preference given to those with overseas experience.
(2) Background in STEM fields such as Statistics, Physics, Quantitative Finance, Mathematics, Computer Science, Geophysics, etc.
(3) Strong resilience and a strong desire and passion to join an international team that is highly dynamic, constantly learning, and breaking boundaries.
(4) Publication of papers as the first author in professional field journals.
(5) Below 35 years of age, with excellent scientific literacy, ambition, responsibility, and a collaborative spirit.
(6) Excellent English reading, writing, and verbal communication skills (the working language of the Institute is English).
(7) Ideally speaking, obtained the Ph.D. degree within the last three years.

Job Benefits:
(1) Postdoctoral appointments are for two years with an annual salary starting at 335,000 RMB, including a living allowance of 150,000 RMB from Guangdong Province and 60,000 RMB from Shenzhen City, and subscribing social insurance and housing provident fund according to relevant regulations in Shenzhen. Postdoctoral fellows receive welfare benefits in accordance with the standards for university faculty.
(2) Exceptional candidates can apply for the Chancellor's Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship, with an annual salary exceeding 500,000 RMB (including living allowances from Guangdong Province and Shenzhen City while stationed).
(3) During the stationing period, it is possible to apply for Shenzhen public rental housing through the university. Postdoctoral fellows who do not use Shenzhen public rental housing through the university are eligible for a housing subsidy of 2,800 RMB per month for two years before tax.
(4) Excellent working environment and opportunities for domestic and international collaboration and exchanges. Postdoctoral fellows receive 25,000 RMB per year for academic exchange during their two-year stationing period.
(5) The research group assists eligible postdoctoral fellows in applying for the "Guangdong Province Overseas Talent Support Program." Postdoctoral fellows who obtain their Ph.D. degrees from the top 200 universities worldwide (excluding domestic rankings, based on the previous year's rankings from Times Higher Education, US News, QS, and Shanghai Jiao Tong University's World University Rankings), conduct postdoctoral research in Guangdong Province and commit to staying for more than two years. Upon successful application, the provincial finance department provides each postdoctoral fellow with a living allowance of 600,000 RMB (different from the living allowances from Guangdong Province and Shenzhen City) during their stationing period. Those who receive this project's support and sign a work agreement or employment contract with an employer in Guangdong Province after leaving the station, committing to work continuously in Guangdong for more than three years, will receive a housing subsidy of 400,000 RMB from the provincial finance department.
(6) Postdoctoral fellows who choose to stay in Shenzhen for research work after leaving the station and sign a work contract (employment) with local enterprises or public institutions for more than three years can apply for the Shenzhen Postdoctoral Staying-in-Shenzhen Research Support. The Shenzhen government provides 100,000 RMB per person per year for three years (subject to the latest application requirements of Shenzhen City).
(7) According to the "Implementation Measures for Living Allowance for New Doctoral Talents in Shenzhen," newly introduced doctoral talents receive a living allowance of 100,000 RMB, different from the living allowances for provincial and city postdoctoral fellows at the station.
(8) The research group has long-term close collaboration with well-known industry enterprises. Outstanding researchers may be recommended to work for leading companies in the industry after leaving the station.

List of application materials required for the postdoctoral position:
Please send the following application materials to Professor Ke WU at, with the email subject: Postdoctoral Application - Research Direction - Name - Graduating Institution - Major:

(1) Detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV), outlining academic background, work experience, research experience, and major research accomplishments. Please provide both Chinese and English versions of the CV.
(2) Scanned or photocopied copies of your ID card, graduation certificate, and degree certificate (or the doctoral degree defense resolution stamped by the relevant department of your institution).
(3) 2-3 recommendation letters with the recommenders' names and valid contact information (including your doctoral advisor's contact information).
(4) Other materials that can demonstrate your work capabilities, such as papers, patents, code repositories, certificates, etc.
(5) Personal Statement (optional, in English, format unrestricted), including career aspirations, primary academic background and research interests, strengths and weaknesses, research plans, etc.

here's the information for applying for the doctoral program

We enroll:
Doctoral students (starting in September 2024). SUSTech only accepts full-time doctoral students for independent training and requires full-time study. The standard program length is 4 years.

Application Requirements:
(1) Individuals with a Master's degree or soon-to-graduate Master's students in fields like Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Finance, Computer Science, Environmental Science, or related disciplines (must obtain the Master's degree before enrollment). Overseas applicants must have a Master's degree certificate and provide educational credentials certified by the Ministry of Education's overseas study service center.
(2) Strong mathematical, statistical, programming, or data mining skills are preferred.
(3) Strong desire and enthusiasm to work within a dynamic, growing, and hard-working group.
(4) Ability to work under high pressure with a positive attitude.
(5) Strong English proficiency, capable of working in both English and Chinese environments. Candidates with overseas study or work experience are preferred.

For additional doctoral admission requirements, please refer to the 2024 notification:

(1) Competitive scholarships are provided by the university. According to relevant documents from the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Education, students must pay tuition fees as required. The management measures for tuition fees and scholarships for the 2021 graduate students are in accordance with SUSTech’s regulations.
(2) Outstanding doctoral students have the opportunity for an exchange program of 3 to 12 months at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich).
(3) The research group maintains long-term close cooperation with well-known industry enterprises. Outstanding graduates have the opportunity to be recommended for employment in leading industry companies.

Application Materials:
Please send the following application materials to Professor Ke WU at, with the email subject: Doctoral Student Application - Research Direction - Name - Start Date - Graduating Institution - Major:

(1) English resume (if you have a Chinese version, please provide that as well).
(2) Transcripts from undergraduate and master's degree courses.
(3) Master's degree thesis (for past graduates) or Master's degree thesis proposal (for current students).
(4) Other materials that demonstrate your work capabilities, such as papers, patents, code repositories, certificates, etc.
(5) Personal Statement (optional, in English, format unrestricted), including career aspirations, primary academic background and research interests, strengths and weaknesses, research plans, etc.