Kent State MFE or USC MFE

I got admission from Kent state and USC for financial engg....fall 2011

Im very confused between both these universities....

from the univ site, it looks like kent state has a very good course structure.. and trading floors , internships...

But USC is in a good location and also it has a brand value....

please give me your valuable suggestions....
If you look around under the Education forum, there are several discussions on USC MFE. You are confused because there is little mention of them anywhere. And there is little info about them because they aren't exactly on everyone shortlist of top MFE programs.
USC is a fun place to be but when it comes to finding your first job, how does that location and brand name help you?
I visit USC MFE website a lot of time and I don't come away thinking they put any effort in providing relevant info about the course, career services. Maybe they don't have anything.
Kent State isn't exactly the place where people think of financial centers. So you get what you see there.
thanks Andy.. So looks like Kent state is a better option.. I applied as an international student .I am from India. I dont see many students talking about the kent state university which is of big concern to me to talk about this course. Could you help me find some contacts to discuss...
Here is what you should do
1) Add your timelines to the Tracker for both the USC and Kent State program
2) Filter the Tracker by program name, you will see applicants who have been admitted to either program
3) Send them a PC (personal conversation) to get some discussion going

Best of luck.