Looking for Guidance and Thoughts

Hello Everyone,

I was hoping someone could give me guidance on the path I should take for pursuing a career in Quantitative Finance as well as some guidance for Masters Programs.

A little bit of background:
I graduated from Rutgers University with a degree in Economics and a minor in Mathematics. During my last two years there I was focused on becoming a Quant, but my mind changed and I took another job offer in a non-finance related field. It is a lot of fun, the field is very quantitative. However, I want to shift into an even more quantitative field, so I thought I would go back to my roots and become a Quant. Here are my grades. My GPA was a 3.49 missed the 3.5 was very close. I have taken Calculus up to Differential Equations, and taken a very introductory level Matlab course. Still have to take my GREs, but I have taken a practice test and scored very well, with a bit of polishing I can do just fine.

Below are a few questions around guidance that I thought people could answer:

I was looking at the Baruch program and saw that they had a Pre-MFE program and was hoping to get people's thoughts on that? In addition, I wanted to take the C++ Certificate course offered through Quantnet and see if people had any thoughts on this as well. My thinking is too take this course part-time while working to see if I still have an interest in the program and if this type of career is right for me. If I enjoy it I will move on to other Pre-MFE seminar courses and still work full-time but leave work much earlier to do all of the seminar course work. After, I will apply to all the MFE programs I can and hopefully one will accept me.

Here are some questions I had for your guys:
What is the work like for the C++ course? The workload seems high, but can the program be done with decent grades part-time?

The plan I have hinges on two facts, one I like the C++ course, and two I get into a MFE program. I was hoping to hear people's thoughts on my chances at getting after taking the seminars.

This last question is more broadly and down the road type question. Currently, I have no experience in Finance at the end of the day I would like some kind of a career that pays somewhat well. What are my chances of landing a job anywhere in Wall Street after a MFE? Does not need to 150K + Bonus out of the game but moderate, at least median or little less than the figures put on the Baruch MFE program site.

Please let me know what you guys think and if you have any other thoughts to share.

Hope you all the best!
I wanted to take the C++ Certificate course offered through Quantnet and see if people had any thoughts on this as well.
You may be interested in some comments/testimonials from students who completed the C++ certificate

It would give you a pretty good sense of what it is like being in an MFE program. If you can hack the course, you will meet their programming requirement i.e hit the ground running on day one in term of C++ readiness.
If you can hack the course, you will meet their programming requirement i.e hit the ground running on day one in term of C++ readiness.

For sure. If you learn everything in the C++ course I developed I reckon you can survive in most organisations.