Master list of free financial data

Economic Data

See What are the most useful sources of economics data? on the economics SE.
  • OECD.StatExtracts includes data and metadata for OECD countries and selected non-member economies.
United Kingdom
United States
Foreign Exchange
Equity and Equity Indices
Fixed Income
Options and Implied Volatility
Multiple Asset Classes and Miscellaneous

there is a FANTASTIC data source that is actually a central database for a ton of the things you've listed:

for $50 you can build a self-updating spreadsheet w/ http codes that update everytime their central database updates.

i know for a fact they have every LIBOR self updating, constant maturity treasuries and a ton of macro economic data and every FX rate vs. the dollar (you can easily calc cross rates obviously).

i use this and have a great spreadsheet that i can pull from to ask all kinds of questions (see my recent post response to paul kruger's article)

hope this helps.

also, it is FREE to simply copy/cut/paste or download any data you want on the site, but it costs $50 only for the privledge of self updating files/codes.

My favourite for free financial data is the Yahoo Finance Site.

During my risk-management internship in Luxembourg I prefer the german Yahoo site and Onvista.
There're also FX-Rates, implied volatilities and Intraday-prices to find.

But I will use some free data to test my progam.
[wanted] Historical 5 minute bar for ESH8 or QQQQ

I was wondering if there is any way I can download 5/15 minute bars(OHLCV) for ESH8 and QQQQ.
I would prefer it to be some free online source since making payments via the internet is not possible for me right now.
Also if anyone has/can download it please help :sos:
Ideally I would like the period to be as large as possible.(minimum 80 days!!)
I was wondering if there is any way I can download 5/15 minute bars(OHLCV) for ESH8 and QQQQ.
I would prefer it to be some free online source since making payments via the internet is not possible for me right now.
Also if anyone has/can download it please help :sos:
Ideally I would like the period to be as large as possible.(minimum 80 days!!)

intraday information is usually available to paid subscribers of any service. If you find a free source, let me know.
I have downloaded data(5 minute bars) for 1998-2006 for ES. In case any body wants it PM me. I need data for 2007.... HELP!!
I was wondering if there is any way I can download 5/15 minute bars(OHLCV) for ESH8 and QQQQ.
I would prefer it to be some free online source since making payments via the internet is not possible for me right now.
Free access to financial data

Hi All,

I need bond price data of the day of May 5, 2009. Since this is history data, I guess it shall be available somewhere on the internet, no need to bother with Bloomberg. Generally, what website(s) you use frequently for retrieve those financial data?

Thanks for suggestions.
Freed Bond data is not as easy to find. If you find a source, post it here.
if you're looking at the US market, yahoo has bond pricing data available as part of their services i believe. i almost used it for a research topic i was involved in, but ended up going with compustat and datastream (not free) because they were more comprehensive.

agreed... free bond data is very hard to find on the whole.
I need the historical volume data for the following countries. Mexico, Brazil, Japan, Singapore.
Does anyone has idea where I can find this?
Thanks in advance.
I need the historical volume data for the following countries. Mexico, Brazil, Japan, Singapore.
Does anyone has idea where I can find this?
Thanks in advance.

You want historical "volume" data? For what? Total volumes at the exchanges in the countries? Do you need daily ? monthly? yearly?
Yes volumes at the exchanges in these countries. I need the daily data.

You should be able to get it from Bloomberg. I have got lots of data related to daily trading volume on particular securities from Bloomberg before so I would assume exchange data would be on there too. They do provide data for most of the countries mentioned if I am not wrong.

I will have a look at Bloomberg in the lab this weekend and see if I can extract that data for you in an excel file or at least show you how to for one of the exchanges and you can do the rest.
I'm trying to get an option and its underlaying asset hitorical prices data, I tried the links above but without success, so please help me !!
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