I am new to this forum. Here is my situation, I have just graduated w/ a finance degree. I have an idea as to what I would like to do and this is to do (eventually) trading (be it portfolio management, hedge fund, etc). I am in the process of re-taking calc classes because I have never taken calc 2 before and also programming classes (was a comp. sci. major) at a community college (since I have no jobs lined up) and have aspirations to go to grad school. I am aware that calc 2 is pretty much the minimum requirement to get into an MFIN program. My question is should I attempt to fulfill all of the math and programming requirements and try to get into a MFE program, or just try to get a MFIN degree and be done? My expressed interest is basically how the stock market works(derivatives, bonds, etc.) and am not really sure if the MFIN degree is really worth the time and money.
I am aware I never mentioned MBA, that is just in case neither works.

I am aware I never mentioned MBA, that is just in case neither works.