MBA in finance vs MS in financial Engineering

Hey guys.. I was confused over how to distinguish whether to go for MSFE or MBA in finance, if one is looking for a career in finance...
How does MS in finance/ financial er / financial maths / operations research be different than a MBA with specialization in finance.. Lets discuss this over career opportunities ( profile, pay ), course curriculum .
Another thing that i notice is many people pursue MFE after their MBA .. Can someone give better insight on this how this helps or why people go for MS after MBA and not vice versa
MFE and its brethren are technical in nature. Think stochastic calculus, programming, PDE, calibration, simulation.
MS in Finance/MBA are not technical and more general. Think corporate finance, marketing, accounting, etc.

There are exceptional to the rule: some MFE programs are not that programming intensive and some MFin/MBA are more technical than others. And there is a hybrid MFE/MBA program that are offered at places like NYU, CMU.

Look at the job profiles of what you want to do and research the usual route to get there. Some roles are mostly MBA and some are MFE. This requires lot of reading from your part.

People do BBB after AAA because (in most case) they couldn't get a job they want with AAA. These degrees are expensive so people are doing this for the sole purpose of getting a job.
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