MFE 2025 Profile review and suggestions

im desperate and depressed please help. Would like to know what colleges to target and what should i add to my profile


  • Education: Bachelor's of Economics from a reputed university in India + Post Graduate Diploma in Predictive Analytics from same uni
  • GRE: Scheduled to take it this month.
  • Relevant Courses:
    • Calculus 1 (C), Calculus 2 (A), Calculus 3 (A)
    • Linear Algebra 1 (C), Linear Algebra 2 (A)
    • Differential Equations (B), Probability (A)
    • Microeconomics (A), Macroeconomics (A)
    • Corporate Finance, statistical computing
    • Econometrics , Big data,
  • Skills: Proficient in R; Python; SQL; Hadoop; learning C++ online.
  • Work Experience: One month internship (searching for any )
  • Research: 2 in field + one ongoing and one outside field
  • Project: Building an Application related to finance which would be user-friendly
Target Schools:
1. Baruch
2. University of Washington
3. University of Minnesota
4. Stevens Institute of Technology
5. Georgia Institute of Technology
6. North Carolina State University
7. University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
8. Cornell University
I would recommend getting couple of years of work ex in relevant field. Would be helpful in not only getting into a good program, but also you will have an idea of what you want to do after masters, which roles. And you would have a decent chance of landing a good job after your mfe too.