MFE questions

  • Thread starter Thread starter Soumya
  • Start date Start date

I am currently working in India, and am hoping to make the deadline for the MFE fall 2007 course, and have a few questions, before i can send in my complete package.

1) The online admission link (embark) for the MFE course keeps taking me to Weisman College of Arts and Sciences' Math Fin program. Is this the same for the MFE course, or is there some other link for the online admission thats eluding me!

2) Have passed out of college (MBA) in 2006, and have been working as an analyst since then. Before starting the online application, i got sealed recommendation letters from my finance and econometrics faculty, and the Director of my post grad course. Now I see that there is a format for the recommendation. Can I proceed sending in the envelopes along with my official transcripts, as I will not be able to catch my recommenders again (I work in a city different from my institution)

My apologies for the length of the questions. Would be much obliged if someone could clear my queries at the earliest.

Hi there,

1) Yes, they are the same program. Some of the Baruch website still uses the old name of our program (Applied Math for Finance)
2) Yes, put all the recommend letters in the same package. You should also include a note on a separate paper explaining your situation. Also, when you go to the Embark system, they have the an online recommendation submission as well so try to ask your recommenders to copy and paste their writing online for you. This is quick and very efficient. You already have a paper copies in case that doesn't work out.

In the mean time, read some of old queries under this forum as well as reading the Baruch MFE FAQ (under my signature). Do a search. If you still don't find what you want feel free to drop questions here.



Thanks for the response.

I have read most of the earlier threads, but they dont really address issues I have.

I will try the online recommendation, but Im sure I will have to settle for the physical copy, with my letter explaining my situation.

Im really excited about the program. Hope I make it in!
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