MFE vs Industrial Engineering vs Mechanical Engineering and other questions

So I will start with a little background on myself and then kind of move forward from there. So I am a junior at a state university with a gpa of 3.7. I first went down the pharmacy track as per my families request. So I took all of the classes which would put me in that direction. Chem, bio, orgo, ect. Needless to say I didn't like it. I did well A and B+. But my heart was always in Econ, math, and business. So after sophomore year I went and took full math classes trying to play catch up with all of the other math majors out there. I just finished my junior year and have finished multivariable and moving on into diff eqs over the summer. I can finish my Econ and math major on time. So there is my background and stuff. If you guys need anymore info let me know.

Here is my dilemma.

The mfe is a perfect blend of my love of math and finance. What worries me is that I might not have job security. From what I am reading MFEs work long hours and have high stress and long hours. I don't mind working or the stress, what really worries me is the job security. Will I get a job after the MFE and can I retain the job after years and even in uncertain market climates?

Then I cam across the industrial engineering track which is great becuase it does have elements of business mixed in with math. Since the degree is fairly broad I doubt it will be hard to find a job. What I love about this field pays a lot less then MFE starting salaries. But is the lower salary offset by the job security?

Mechanical engineering
The same reason as industrial engineering except the pay is a lot higher and I think it would be cool to design engines and stuff.

So what do you guys think fits my path?
Last, is it possible to go into financial engineering with an industrial engineering masters. You learn programming and math.
Ewww pharmacy D:

Personally, if you can stomach the fact that people get fired in the financial industry all the time for a whole host of reasons, so long as you're confident that you will land on your feet, I say go for it, you only live once.