MFE with my background?

Hello everybody!
This is my issue. I am on my last year of a business management degree and I really like financial engineering and maths, but as you can suppose my background could be poor... I plan to work hard for it and I can expend one full year just preparing for it, taking extra calculus classes, learning basics or some more of c++. What do you recomend me? Do you think I should give up because it is too much for me? Is there any MFE with low pre-knowledge to entry?
Thanks everybody! :)

My personal opinion : if you are so determined for it and willing to do all the coursework required there is no point of giving it up. What I would recommend you to start with few ongoing courses on C++ and FE on Coursera to start with and then you can build on them later on. Initially you may find the courses a little tough but do continue with them till the very end. Gradually, you will be amazed to see that it won't even take you full complete year to complete the requirements !!

After completing the requirements, you may apply to even some of the best colleges for a FE degree. Myself, I am also trying to get into a good program but have been unsuccessful so far but still I am determined :)
Hey guys,

I recently graduated with a degree in Finance and like the OP have little background but have fallen in love with FE/computational finance. Currently I'm working as an Actuarial Clerk which is exposing me to a lot of the models and terminology you'll see in an FE program. I want to eventually get a FE degree so I've been reading up on C++ and plan to do the certificate at some point in December. Also I am currently taking the Mathematical Methods for Quantitative Finance offered by Coursera and have bought several books recommended by Quantnet. @Dgarciamp its good to see others with a similar background and if you have any suggestions for me that would be great!
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