More free publicity for Baruch from the trading contest

I got my IEEE "Spectrum" magazine - that's the magazine of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers - in the mail today. Actually a very good magazine, but not exactly a place I'd expect to hear about Baruch's MFE program, eh? Check this out:

IEEE Spectrum: The Trading Test

That's an online version of the article I read. It's basically a report on the trading competition that Bharat and Gus placed 2nd in, in back-to-back years. Bharat's picture is in the article, and there's a brief quote from Gus as well in there, where the Baruch program is mentioned.

Good job guys!

yet another proof that solid things like taking prizes at such trading competitions are the best testament to the value and quality of a program. pr- and other promotional tricks are important, but you'd better wrap them around a really good candy. up to all of us to keep the moment going.
Haven't read my IEEE magazines for a long time. They are just stacking up on my desk.
I am surpised to see that on IEEE too. It is a very good news.