MS CS --> Quantitative Trading?

I'm in my first semester of Georgia Techs Online M.S. in Computer Science with plans to specialize in Machine Learning. I want to enter the field of quantitative finance. Would it make sense for me to apply to 'transfer' into the in-person M.S.?

- Prestige (I'm curious to know the reputation of GT MSCS in quant circles)
- Research Opportunities - Complete a thesis
- Networking Opportunities - I've heard in-person = better networking opportunities. Don't know how to evaluate the quality of the network opportunities.

-Costlier - tuition triples and I will not be working
-Full Time - I'm completing my degree part time, so I can pursue internships in the meantime. If I'm a full time student, I'm assuming I cannot

Other context:
-23 y/o
-top 20 undergrad with STEM degree (systems engr.) with mediocre GPA (~3.5)
-shabby work experience (work at a small company in an unrelated industry doing consulting/ analytics work). Just landed my first internship in SWE at a startup.
-some of my friends (2 or 3) work at top hedge funds (different ones)
-I can complete up to one year / 15 credits online before I am precluded from transferring to in-person
-assume that I will have a very high GPA in my current program

In general I would like to know the general path to quant. finance for someone in my position. In undergrad, it seemed like the path was do SWE or data internships early at a target school in order to get interviews. How do expectations change for graduate programs?

Thank you.