Need a profile assessment for MFin in top US Universities


I am Snehal, a B. Tech. engineering graduate from IIT Delhi (8.37/10 or 3.219/4) - graduated 2022. I have since been working in India at a major American asset management firm, in their risk model division. I wanted to have a profile assessment from the more knowledgeable folks at this platform who are familiar with the MFin programs and can help me know if I have a shot at the top programs or not. Following is my comprehensive profile:

- Bachelor's major was civil engineering. As a result I only had few math courses- to be precise, two courses - both in my freshman year - one on Calculus(grade- 10/10) and one on Linear algebra (grade- 6/10 :( ). Also took programming course (other than freshman year one) on Data structure and algorithms. By the time colleges would be reviewing my application, it would have been more than 2 years since my graduation, and I might have problems getting professors to provide me a good personal LOR.

- For my job, I work with portfolio market risk models, currently with 1.5 years experience. To be specific, I am not the model researcher (who do the research / modelling from scratch) but in more of an assisted role, helping them test the model in different market scenarios, getting it coded up for production, deploying it to the users after having thoroughly tested it and further, help the users understand the risk numbers the model is producing. These models do vary a lot in their methodology and ofcourse are quantitative, therefore I had to learn stochastic calculus and such for MC simulations etc. But ultimately, I am a model validator. I got exceptional performance rating from the seniors so should be able to get good letter of recommendations.

- I have passed FRM Level 1 and CFA Level 1. Will take CFA L2 exams soon (paid for by employer).

Given all this, is it realistic for me to apply to top US Colleges. Would more work experience help? To get more crystallized credentials, should I take the pre-MFE courses for maths etc. How may I improve?

I would be grateful for any insightful response. Really appreciate your time for reading this (and hopefully replying). Thank you very much!

Also thanks to Andy for this wonderful platform.

Have a great day!