Hello everyone,
I'm a beginner in MS Excel & searching a solution to my problem. Yr help is highly appreciated!
I have attached this simplified picture to help me explain my situation...
I have two worksheets in the same workbook.
Sheet#1 'Data!' consist of raw data (where some records have a comment)
Sheet#2 'Calculation!' consist of a lookup table I created by Excel functions
Initially, I was using =VLOOKUP("apple",A3:B9,2,FALSE)
As you can see on the spreadsheet that there are 3 records of "apple" but VLOOKUP can only show the first record. So, I changed the formula into this
=IF(ISERROR(INDEX($A$1:$B$9,SMALL(IF($A$1:$A$9=$A$15,ROW($A$1:$A$9)),ROW(1:1)),2))," ",INDEX($A$1:$B$9,SMALL(IF($A$1:$A$9=$A$15,ROW($A$1:$A$9)),ROW(1:1)),2))
Now, it shows all 3 records that link to "apple"
But the lookup only bring the cell value without original formatting. I would like to find a method to carry over the comment (red arrow at the corner) to the destination cell.
Even if I cannot carry over the comment, I'm happy if I can change the color or font size in the target cell, where the destination cell will do the same formatting. (at least I can tell which record is "special" after I do the lookup) Becoz right now, the destination cell will not show any format of target cell...
I put my request on Microsoft.com community & they provided a very good User Defined Function to me if I use VLOOKUP. Since I'm now using the INDEX, this UDF does not work for me. I'll copy the code in here & maybe can give you some ideas on how to write a suitable one?
Thank you so much for yr help in advance!!! I've been working on this for 2 days but won't be able to figure it out...:wall
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Option Explicit
Function VlookupComment(myVal As Variant, myTable As Range, _
myColumn As Long, myBoolean As Boolean) As Variant
Application.Volatile True
Dim res As Variant 'could be an error
Dim myLookupCell As Range
res = Application.Match(myVal, myTable.Columns(1), myBoolean)
If IsError(res) Then
VlookupComment = "Not Found"
Set myLookupCell = myTable.Columns(myColumn).Cells(1)(res)
VlookupComment = myLookupCell.Value
With Application.Caller
If .Comment Is Nothing Then
'do nothing
End If
If myLookupCell.Comment Is Nothing Then
'no comment, do nothing
.AddComment Text:=myLookupCell.Comment.Text
End If
End With
End If
End Function
I'm a beginner in MS Excel & searching a solution to my problem. Yr help is highly appreciated!
I have attached this simplified picture to help me explain my situation...
I have two worksheets in the same workbook.
Sheet#1 'Data!' consist of raw data (where some records have a comment)
Sheet#2 'Calculation!' consist of a lookup table I created by Excel functions
Initially, I was using =VLOOKUP("apple",A3:B9,2,FALSE)
As you can see on the spreadsheet that there are 3 records of "apple" but VLOOKUP can only show the first record. So, I changed the formula into this
=IF(ISERROR(INDEX($A$1:$B$9,SMALL(IF($A$1:$A$9=$A$15,ROW($A$1:$A$9)),ROW(1:1)),2))," ",INDEX($A$1:$B$9,SMALL(IF($A$1:$A$9=$A$15,ROW($A$1:$A$9)),ROW(1:1)),2))
Now, it shows all 3 records that link to "apple"
But the lookup only bring the cell value without original formatting. I would like to find a method to carry over the comment (red arrow at the corner) to the destination cell.
Even if I cannot carry over the comment, I'm happy if I can change the color or font size in the target cell, where the destination cell will do the same formatting. (at least I can tell which record is "special" after I do the lookup) Becoz right now, the destination cell will not show any format of target cell...
I put my request on Microsoft.com community & they provided a very good User Defined Function to me if I use VLOOKUP. Since I'm now using the INDEX, this UDF does not work for me. I'll copy the code in here & maybe can give you some ideas on how to write a suitable one?
Thank you so much for yr help in advance!!! I've been working on this for 2 days but won't be able to figure it out...:wall
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Option Explicit
Function VlookupComment(myVal As Variant, myTable As Range, _
myColumn As Long, myBoolean As Boolean) As Variant
Application.Volatile True
Dim res As Variant 'could be an error
Dim myLookupCell As Range
res = Application.Match(myVal, myTable.Columns(1), myBoolean)
If IsError(res) Then
VlookupComment = "Not Found"
Set myLookupCell = myTable.Columns(myColumn).Cells(1)(res)
VlookupComment = myLookupCell.Value
With Application.Caller
If .Comment Is Nothing Then
'do nothing
End If
If myLookupCell.Comment Is Nothing Then
'no comment, do nothing
.AddComment Text:=myLookupCell.Comment.Text
End If
End With
End If
End Function