Need ideas for capstone projects: sustainable finance?

OK campers, I need your advice again. As some of you know, I teach at NYU, Claremont and Baruch. I've sponsored some very successful projects including ones on ES as a risk measure , commodities, and on regulation.

I sit on my firm's sustainable finance committee as well as on the investment committees and valuation committees for our private equity and infrastructure funds. I'm also the CRO for our commodities subsidiary, so I have great data. How could I marry quant and sustainable finance? If you're at Baruch and you have a good idea, I'll work with you. Everyone else: I'd love to hear any ideas you might have.

I'm doing this because this topic interests me and I think I get as much out of the projects (if not more) than the students.

Maybe some projects where students are supposed to do a portfolio analysis of some of the sustainable finance indexes (forgot the name of thoses, but I remember there are quite a few) and therefore try to invest only using "good companies" and compare the performance - maybe even a quantitative strategy such as tactical asset allocation.