New GRE ScoreSelect Option

Hi all,

I just found out today that there will be an option available to all those taking the GRE in July and beyond called ScoreSelect. (More here: I am trying to make sense of this because I am not very good with standardized tests and face the possibility of having to take the test multiple times to do well. So do people no longer have to worry about taking the GRE too many times? Will schools asks to see the scores of all sittings anyways?

This sounds like really great news.
I believe schools can only receive what ETS report to them. This sounds like ETS makes it easier for people to take tests more frequently which means more revenue for them.
Do you still have an option to NOT send any score? I remember it was possible in the past.
What if you take it for the GRE for the first time and don't like the result, what options you have?
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