New Member - C++ for FE - Seeking advice for career in Risk Management

Hello all,

My name is Miles. I have been trolling this site for some time now and decided to post now that I have a good and realistic idea of what I want to do. I am currently a senior in my last semester from a non-target school with a 3.95/4 GPA. My degree will be a BS in Finance (Honors). I have obviously taken the slew of finance courses and general business courses. Other relevant courses I have taken is Calculus 1-2 and an intro to programming class taught in Java.

I wish to pursue a job in Financial Risk Management. Like most, I loved my derivatives class and want to pursue a career pricing and trading options to hedge risk. I know most people here want to be a quant, but at the moment I don't see that as a realistic goal seeing that I still need to take a semester and summer of math classes and learn C++. I currently have no relevant work experience except I do have an interview for an aggressive asset management boutique in 2 weeks.

Thus, my main question is pursuing a MFE program geared towards risk management and derivatives pricing still my best option even if I don't believe that I have the crazy math skills to be a quant? Should I pursue the FRM?

I understand that risk manager can mean a lot of things, so here is ideally what I would like to do in simplistic terms:

1: Calculate the firms exposure to a certain risk thru monte carlo simulations (rates, commodities, etc)
2: Construct the appropriate derivative product
3: Price the product
4: Execute the strategy

I have no preference as to where I work (bank, energy firm, multinational corp, etc).

Any tips you can offer would be great. I know I still need to take Calc 3, Linear Algebra, Diff Eqs, PDE's, Probability, and Numerical Methods, C++. But, I am graduating a half semester early to get a jumpstart on the coursework. My GRE quant section will obviously also be crucial to successful admission to an MFE program, but one area I feel like I have leg up on competition is being a native English speaker.

If I don't get the internship I am interviewing for, I will have some free time. Would you recommend taking the online C++ for Financial Engineering course?
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I would take the online C++ for FE course, or any equivalent course, to get your "derivative pricing in C++" to a decent level, even if you were to get the internship position. You will be that much further along than the average MFE applicants, in terms of understanding what it takes to be successful in this trade.
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