Baruch MFE No GRE required - Quant Background Assessment - Baruch MFE admission


Baruch MFE Director
Effective immediately, GRE/GMAT scores are not required to apply for admission to the Baruch MFE Program. In fact, there is no place on the application to submit test scores, and, if attached separately, they will not be taken into account.

Instead, all the applicants will take a Quantitative Background Assessment (QBA) as the first step in having their application evaluates.

There is no need to prepare specifically for the QBA. There is no minimum cutoff QBA score in order to be considered for admission. The QBA will provide a snapshot of the applicants quant background at the time of applying for admission. As of now, we expect the test to be open book, open internet. That said, an honor code will have to be signed which will prevent any communication with other individuals, either people taking the test at the same time, or others.

QBA Content: Calculus, Linear Algebra, Probability, Finance, Brainteasers

QBA Topics to Review: a list of topics covered by the QBA can be found attached.

QBA Format
  • Online, offered during two specific time intervals after each admission round
  • Nine questions, 45 minutes; 1 Brainteaser, 2 questions each from Calculus, Linear Algebra, Probability
  • Not multiple choice; all the answers are integers
  • Open book, internet search allowed (subject to possible change); NO communication with anyone allowed while taking the QBA
QBA Logistics: the QBA will be offered online as a specific time within one week after each application deadline. Applicants will be informed of the date and time by email. Two different time slots will be offered on the same day (7-8am NY time and 7-8pm NY time) to accommodate different time zones. Detailed information on how to take the QBA will be sent to the applicants.

The interview process for admission continues to consist of two interview rounds (virtual via Zoom). The interviews are primarily technical, and include mathematical, finance, and C++ programming questions.

