No work experience

I'm currently doing my Masters at the 2nd best Mechanical Engineering University in the UK. I've obtained GRE Scores of 168(Q), 163(v) and 5(AWA). I'm currently on route to a first class honours which based on some sites is equivalent to a 4.0 GPA. However, I have no work experience whatsoever, and any knowledge I have of risk management, derivative pricing, etc. is from reading. I'm an International student and given the current Job atmosphere, and the stringent rules being enforced in terms of offering jobs to non-EU students in the UK, I do not stand much chance of getting a job in the UK. I'm looking at applying to the FE courses at Universities next year, by which time I'm hoping to have finished with a 3/4 month Summer Internship in a relevant area. I'm looking at applying to some of the better universities (CMU, Columbia, Cornell, etc.), so I was wondering if anyone could suggest what type of internships I should look for, or whether I have much chance of admission at the Unis I'm looking at given my lack of work experience. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!
There are many applicants who got into top programs with no work experience. If possible, get an internship that is closer to what you like to end up after the degree. This goes back to the question of what you want to do after the MFE degree.
Be flexible, don't just focus on front office, trading roles only since it will severely limit your options.
Hey Andy, I was also wondering if you reckon doing the GRE Math Subject Test would be worthwhile to my application in terms of getting into my target Unis (CMU, Columbia, Cornell, etc.).
Hey Andy, I was also wondering if you reckon doing the GRE Math Subject Test would be worthwhile to my application in terms of getting into my target Unis (CMU, Columbia, Cornell, etc.).
My personal idea is: If you have time or some trouble on explaining your mathematical background, then yes.
Hey Andy, I was also wondering if you reckon doing the GRE Math Subject Test would be worthwhile to my application in terms of getting into my target Unis (CMU, Columbia, Cornell, etc.).
I would rather invest the time in polishing my applications. GRE Subject plays a rather small factor in the decision. Your personal essay may be the make or break factor.
That is only in the case of a Postgraduate course. I am doing an Undergraduate course for which I will receive a Masters upon completion. And, in Undergraduate Courses in the UK, the highest degree is a first class honours.