Online "Introduction to Probability" Courses


Earning Theta
Hello, folks. My admission letter from CMU has asked me to take a course in calculus-based probability. The exact wording is as follows:

"Your offer of admission is provisional upon your successful completion (with a grade of 'B' or better) of a calculus-based probability course. You may take the probability class at any accredited college or university; however, be sure that the course covers the following topics: the law of large numbers, the central limit theorem, moment-generating functions, multivariate probability distributions, conditional distributions, and independence, covariance and correlation of random variables. This course must be completed by July 30, 2012"

The only course I could find online was UIUC NetMath, and it costs ~ US$1350 if you include the software and books costs. I was wondering if there are any cheaper alternatives in the US/Asia. Please do revert if you know anything. Thanks!
Well Andy, frankly I have no idea if it has to be credit bearing. What's been your experience?

If it does not have to be credit-bearing, which courses can I look at?
Thanks man. That's why you gotta love QN. Everyone's always ready to help :)
Is that credit bearing? Also looks very expensive like all the other courses on that site.

These are not accredited by a university if that is what you mean. Most courses have traditionally been for IB but I do have student prices. And I support students with exercises and Projects (!)

The QN C++ course I developed is accredited by Baruch.
These are not accredited by a university if that is what you mean. Most courses have traditionally been for IB but I do have student prices. And I support students with exercises and Projects.

The QN C++ course I developed is accredited by Baruch.

That explains the pricing a bit better if they are mainly aimed at IB's. There are a number of very interesting courses on your site, could you let me know the student price list, maybe via PM?