phd program for quants

Hi all I am a master degree holder in applied math (pde s ) I have a decent understanding of c++ ,matlab and excel and since I have decided to work as a quant after getting a phd in math(I will apply in 4 months for a bunch of phd s ),I have bought and read a book on stochastic calculus to understand the theory behind all the computations involved in a quant work.
now my questions.

1- what is better for me;getting in to a phd program in financial math or getting into a phd program in a subarea of math (I know stochastic calculus and probability are unavoidable) with application in finance ? what would be more usefull when seeking a junior quant position ?

2- I have some contacts with boston univ ,princeton univ,nyc univ(but i am a bit scared of applying to nyc univ because of the cost of life there ),purdue univ,univ of chicago and floridastate univ .I will probably apply for each of them ,but I would like to know whiich one leads to a more competitiv phd in the job market ?

3- I talked to my statistics teacher a while ago(I have taken a couple of graduale level stat and probability classes) and she has told me that getting a phd in stat was one the best ways of becoming a quant.What do you think about that ?

4- how dificult is it in todays economic context for a phd in math finance to land a quant job ?

any help would be greatly appreciated
1) A PhD is a PhD i.e a tough degree. As long as you do a PhD in hard science (physics, math, stats, math fin), you can expect to get good shots at quant jobs. The difference between say like physics and fin math PhD is that you are supposed to equip yourself with finance, C++ knowledge if you do physics. If you know clearly what you want to do, just go straight to it.
2) Without first hand experience at each program, it would be tough for anyone to say which program is better for you. Certainly, if you go to NYU, you will have much more advantage in term of location, network, job opportunity as opposed to say Purdue.
3) Opinions vary. Your teacher is not a headhunter so take it with a grain of salt. Also see 1)
4) It's difficult for anyone with any degree. What do you bring to the firm besides your degree is more important. If you have some skills in hot area, you will get plenty of money and jobs regardless of the market condition.
Thanks indeed Andy
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