Phone Interviewed with a cold - let interviewer know?

I just had a phone interview while feeling pretty cruddy (flu season here), and so my mind was a bit foggy. I think I would have performed better had I been feeling 100%, but I didn't want to reschedule the phone interview because I figured the interviewer's time was valuable. The interview went fairly well, but I definitely stumbled on some questions that I likely wouldn't have had I been feeling better.

Should I contact the interviewer letting him know I was feeling under the weather? Perhaps mentioning I anticipate better performance in further interviews? This was a second round, so I think the next round is on site.

Thanks for your thoughts!
Short answer, I wouldn't say that. This would not help you, but definitely will hurt your candidacy, especially if the interviewer felt that you were kinda sick and gave you some additional credit, which i doubt he would. Just get better and move on to next company is my advise.