Poker player, considered a good or bad thing?


I´d love to hear your opinion whether you think mentioning being a poker player in a personal letter or an interview would be considered a good thing? I am talking about job applications for quant/trader positions.
I think mentioning just being poker player is not enough. As I heard some on HFT interviews it's a good advantage to have a poker bot created or something like that. "Multiple-hostile" handling mechanism.
I heard its good for trading jobs
don't know if it's true, though.
During the course of this revelation, if it comes out that you started playing poker after you heard it's good for trading jobs, I don't imagine people would think of you very highly.
Poker skill is not something you use to boost and pad your resume. Chance is you will not very good at it.
It also depends on how, and in what context, you are bringing it up.

Like everything else, space on a resume is at a premium and listing cliche 'activities' are often frowned upon as they add little to no value.

Do you stand out in any way? Accomplished anything significant? Have you competed at a professional/semi-professional level? Did poker 'pay your way through college'? Have you built a poker bot? Have you learned any life lessons directly related to the quant/trading profession (Hint: Risk Management)? etc.

There are many ex-professional poker/card players/athletes floating around the street. You want to be prepared to discuss/defend/be drilled in this area.

Simply put, if you can spin a story around it, its a no-brainer (and you shouldn't need to the question ;))

If you plan to simply list it next to underwater basket weaving.... well...