Pre-MFE classes online vs. in person

Hi all,

I am going to be applying to MFE programs this winter/next spring, and since my undergraduate education was in Finance, I have been taking night classes throughout this year.

I've completed Calc 1, am almost done with Calc 2, and will take both Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra/Differential Equations this fall. I may be overthinking, but I wanted to see if anyone had an opinion on a question I have.

My schedule only allows for me to take one of the classes in person (which I will do at my alma mater, the University of Minnesota) while I will need to take the other one online at a lesser known community college. I will also need to get a letter of recommendation from one of these classes, which I figure will have to be the in person one. Here is my question: based on what MFE programs prefer/general knowledge needed to excel in application/interview process and my need for a letter of recommendation, is there going to be an advantage to taking Linear Alg/Diff Eq in person vs Multi Calc online at a community college or vice versa?

Thanks so much for the help!
Both Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus are important pre-requisites, but since Linear Algebra / Differential Equations are generally taken after calculus I would consider taking Linear Algebra in person.

My ode/pde courses.

And QN C++ and Advanced C+ + are a kind of gold standard.

My ode/pde courses.

And QN C++ and Advanced C+ + are a kind of gold standard.
Chugging through the C++ course right now, thank you for the other recommendations, too!