Hello guys,
I'm currently following a double degree in economics science and computer science in a preety good European school (undergraduate level).
So basically, my math background will not be my main qualification, but it won't be either a tare.
So to anticipate this insufficiency, i study by myself my lake in math subjects with some books that i found here.
I just notify the "Prerequisites" from the Columbia website (you can reach it at this link) and i wonder if this PDF is still relevant ?
It's seem to be too easy compare with what i see sometimes here, without being pretentious.
Thanks in advance (& please, be lenient with my english skill
I'm currently following a double degree in economics science and computer science in a preety good European school (undergraduate level).
So basically, my math background will not be my main qualification, but it won't be either a tare.
So to anticipate this insufficiency, i study by myself my lake in math subjects with some books that i found here.
I just notify the "Prerequisites" from the Columbia website (you can reach it at this link) and i wonder if this PDF is still relevant ?
It's seem to be too easy compare with what i see sometimes here, without being pretentious.
Thanks in advance (& please, be lenient with my english skill
