Profile Evaluation for MFE Fall 2025


I am a prospective MFE applicant from China, planning to enroll in the Fall of 2025. Before submitting my application materials, I am seeking some advice on target schools, particularly whether the ones I have chosen align with my background and career goals. (I have already reviewed the backgrounds of candidates on Tracker and LinkedIn, and I would like to do a double check to ensure everything is in order.:))

Education: Ranked 12th among finance and economics universities in China (not 985, 211->not top comprehensive universities in China), gpa 3.69/4.0
Standardized Score: TOEFL 105, GRE 324 (Q=170)
Skills: Python/C++/SQL/R
Relevant Course:
Finance&Economics (Most are A but several courses): Fixed Income Analysis, International Financial Management, Security Investment Analysis, Accounting, Corporate Finance, Econometrics (B+), Financial Statement Analysis(B-), and other basic economic and finance course finished with A.
Math&Statistics (All are A): Calculus I&II, Linear Algebra, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Statistics, Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Time Series Analysis
Programming&ML (All are A): Python for Financial Data Analysis and Application, Investment and Experiment Based on R, Data Mining&Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence(Deep Learning) (A), and other intro courses finished with A
1year+ alpha researcher start from the summer between sophomore and junior years.​
Buy-side (3months) -> Sell-side (5m) -> Buy-side (6m until now, my offer is renewed to next year.)​
Part-time @a famous hedge fund, Remote alpha researcher, Mainland China core consultant, focusing on USA, EUR, KOR and other countries and regions​
Baruch Pre-MFE: C++(Distinction), SQL(Distinction), ACFE (Distinction), NLA, Advanced C++(will start in 2 days)​
UChicago Summer Session: Quantitative Portfolio Management and Algorithmic Tradings 4.0/4.0​
CQF, completed an option-hedging essay with a score of 91/100​
MIT MicroMaster: Statistics and Data Science (four courses with 90+/100)​

My criteria for selecting schools are the alignment with my background and the availability of hard-core courses.
1. UChicago MSFM
5. Cornell MSFE
(not in any particular order.)

I hope my target list does not appear overly ambitious. But if there are any additional schools that might be a good fit, please let me know.

If you have any suggestions or experiences to share, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your assistance!;)
I don't think you are ambitious enough. Apply to a few more top ranked programs, even Baruch. You did a few of they pre-MFE courses and did really well so they have some good idea of how you will perform if admitted.
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