Programming competition thread

Hello everyone!
I wonder if you know any programming competition (preferably C# .NET) in our field. I have been seeking to participate for the last month but could only find C# for graphics designs not related to quantitative field. It'd be fine if you gave the links for info. Or you might know some Olympiads pending.

Hello everyone!
I wonder if you know any programming competition (preferably C# .NET) in our field. I have been seeking to participate for the last month but could only find C# for graphics designs not related to quantitative field. It'd be fine if you gave the links for info. Or you might know some Olympiads pending.


Not sure if s/w life works that way.
Well, why not set up a competition yourself :)
What are the software quality criteria?
Thanks Mr Daniel for your answer. I haven't got any experience setting up tournaments (I know it's not terribly difficult but still, I prefer myself to be a participant). As for the software quality, I mean taking charge of some algos from statistics, math, linear algebra, stochastic calculus, etc. or complete software (why not?!). Some time ago I came across one of such tournament and it was finished when I saw one.
You should check out the Google Summer of Code. I'm pretty sure they let you submit projects, so if you had a good open source C# project going you could try and get it entered. One that comes to mind that I read about earlier this year is the Tryton Project although it's not directly dealing with the quantitative field it is finance related, I'm not sure what it's written in however.

I read about the Summer of Code on wikipedia, it seems like project submission is more open to organizations. As a student you submit your application with your skill set and project area of your interest and Google pairs you with an open source project that matches your interests if they can.
You should check out the Google Summer of Code. I'm pretty sure they let you submit projects, so if you had a good open source C# project going you could try and get it entered. One that comes to mind that I read about earlier this year is the Tryton Project although it's not directly dealing with the quantitative field it is finance related, I'm not sure what it's written in however.

I read about the Summer of Code on wikipedia, it seems like project submission is more open to organizations. As a student you submit your application with your skill set and project area of your interest and Google pairs you with an open source project that matches your interests if they can.

Thanks Corey for the useful info. I'll keep track.
I discussed this with someone a couple of days ago. I like the idea of ProjectEucler a lot when it was mentioned on Quantnet before and joined it.
There was a programming contest using problem sets from PE

I have to think through the details but it would be fun if we can organize an online programming contest right here on Quantnet.