Prospective Quant Dev: Is it still worth doing projects that already have a superior solution?

Hello everyone, this is my first thread here. I'll try to be succinct and not ramble too much (if I haven't just now with these two sentences). I have good development experience (by complete chance, in C/C++ focusing in system development before I got interested in quant) and have 0 experience in actual quant development, take that as you will.

What I am referring to is not making paid software, but rather something Free and Open Source (ideal to show off + potentially have collaboraters). Obviously, if we're looking to find jobs I imagine only the best of us could create actually competitive quant software that would be paid, but I digress.

As i've figured out in tailoring a CV that employers would look for in terms of interest, skill or suitability in quant development (or anything quant). It seems like a very safe bet to start a project that is focused on quant development or quant research. Whether that be a library focused on modeling, a suite focused on getting prices with nic charts or whatever. But again, there are already superior solutions:

Want to see prices? OpenBB
Want to create a library? QuantLib

That being said, I'm probably not being creative enough if I think "everything that has been done, has been done". I am sure there are some niches, but there is a danger in having a niche that has no demand. You can have the best peaches in the world, but if there is no interest for peaches then it's no good. Even then though it's not all wasted, I would imagine it's still nice to have something to show if you've done anything even if it has 0-3 stars on github; but it's not optimal. I feel hesitant hopping onto the LLM/AI grift, but I wanted to hear what you guys think.

I know I am being perfectionist, but is it still worth our time to do something resembling those projects anyway or have some sort of alternative twist? Again, with the focus of demonstrating interest and competency. Thanks.