Quant jobs in London vs NYC

Assuming similar roles in nyc and london, how are career conditions in both places? Like career growth, work life balance, quality of life?
I heard work life balance is considerably better in london than in NYC
It depends on the specific job and the type of life you work to achieve, doesn't it?
Quality of life is a personal preference. If you have plenty of dough, you can live very well in either city.
True. But for example, I know about computer science, IT related roles in USA and Europe, Asia. work in europe, Asia is much more laid back and they hardly work more than 8 hrs a day, while in USA many are overworked.but then the advantage is all the intellectually challenging work does happen in USA.
But the above thing is very rarely mentioned or topic of debate in article. I noticed it by personal experience.

I guess this is a little subtle and only person who worked in both places can answer this.