QuantNet Employment Rate Statistics

Hi, I've looked at the Employment Rate Statistics At Graduation for various universities. Is there any way to see the sample size of these statistics or how many people filled out this data?

Is the sample size just the cohort size? This can't be possible, for example, Baruch's placement rate at graduation is 91%. However, the cohort size for 2024 and 2025 is 24 and 27 respectively. There's no way to get that percentage (91%) using 24 students, nor is it possible with 27 students.

Could I request for the number of students who filled out the employment rate survey? Thank you!
The placement rate is based on size of graduation class, number of people seeking jobs, number found jobs, etc.
It has nothing to do with the admission cohort size.
Please reach out to programs for any requested data.
Quantnet doesn't have access to the number of people who were surveyed for the placement rate?
We have various type of data programs submitted and the ones we release are on the rankings.
Andy are you are saying that the employment data on QN is direct from the admissions office? I am curious because certain programs have stale employment data on their website (from 2022 for example) but haven’t included 2023/2024 employment stats whereas QN has.
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