Aha, typical tech guy comment..."you are so wrong". EQ??
Please read your earlier comment. Top MBA vs Rich Dad MBA.
A rich dad MBA graduates from a top school does not mean they are smart, but I have to respect the US Top Business School selection process. Even they are not smart but they do have certain credentials. Not that stupid either. When you start making such comments and differential rich and the poor, in fact you make yourself inferior because you feel you are poor. Those rich kids are lucky, don't they. Please send you complaint to God. No ones can help. Similarly, you can't do it doesn't mean other can't do it. Study hard, work hard and make the right connection that is all we need. Like Quantnet, we stay close, keep it cool. One day, one of us can enrich the network and spread the benefits across. Networking!
Please check out Mr. Obama and Mr. Edward background. These are smart people without rich dad. They started low but fight their ways up there though they may not be the US President but they serve as a living example. What about the great Martin Luther King. Think!
You are talking about Bush....you hate him, don't you. Don't blame. We work hard if we do not have a rich dad. Rich definition does not mean you have a lot of money. I don't put money sign right on my mouth. We need money to survive but we work hard for it.
Relax, Luso. You make yourself rich, next time I call your son rich dad son.
Haha, you are so wrong.
To be that kind of "successful" MBA grad. ==> become the U.S. President or Vice President, for sure you don't need a smart brain; if your IQ score is around room temperature then you are fine. But you definitely need an oil rich dad