Quick question about internship recruiting

Would it be reasonable to start looking for an internship during my first year of Ph.D. studies? IE, At BB banks in NYC for the summer 2013? Or should I wait until I pass my comps?
Interested to hear what Joy thinks but I agree with physEcon--the more hands on experience you have, the better and the earlier you start looking and connecting with people the better.
Search early, search often, and something not done by many--cold call.

Every opportunity besides a couple of two-week consulting gigs arose out of two cold calls I made and in both cases, the people eventually hiring me were clearly surprised I had the guts to pick up the phone and speak to them directly.
Search early, search often, and something not done by many--cold call.

Every opportunity besides a couple of two-week consulting gigs arose out of two cold calls I made and in both cases, the people eventually hiring me were clearly surprised I had the guts to pick up the phone and speak to them directly.

The funny thing is that the cold-call is lower risk in my opinion. There is no record. If you send a really bad email then you get forwarded around the office (maybe world) as a joke!
Goto the American Finance Association website.. there are positions for PhD's there who want to work in the industry instead of academia. Many a times they put down the emails of their recruiter on the website. The positions are usually for full-time but you can email them and ask. They take phd interns in strat groups at banks and in model review groups.

Also, it is never to early to start looking. When I was doing my grad studies at Wisconsin (in eng) I was looking for positions, the second I was on campus, going to career fairs that were for undergrads and MBA's. When I started my MFE, I had already applied for several internships before I even started my program. I had 3 interviews in my first month. Go hard go strong...
Hello Joy Pathak, I heard that you have great information on this area. I'm first year graduate student of MFE program, could you please direct me what should I do and how I can prepare myself from now? regarding internships, any exams, even part time jobs, even any opinion about courses ...
Andy, I read the information by joy pathak thank you, it was great and clear but as a first year student the materials for interview are 90% unfamiliar, for first semester could you please direct what I can do ?
A lot of MFE students need to prepare for interviews on the first day in their program. You can do that by going over quant interview books, Hull, etc. By the end of the semester, you should have built some (however minimal) basic knowledge in math/programming/finance.
We have a section on our reading list for first year MFE students