
Note to the admin of the forum: I am not yet familiar with the rules of the forum. This post is quite self-serving as I'm posting again what I posted in welcomes, so feel free to pull it off if necessary.


Hi all (recruiters)

my name is Francois. I'm a french-aussie residing in the US (I let you figure what accent it gives ;-) ).
I have a PhD (1999) in Computer Science-Mathematics, a MS in Applied Mathematics and a BS in CS and Mathematics. After 8 years in Academia, I'm getting tired of it and am in need of a change.
I've talked to several friends and many have recommended that I look at a Quant job.

My focus in maths was in control systems and stochastic calculus, at the master's level, and then switched to decision theory, bayesian approaches and alternatives, and extensions of probabilities in decision theory, utility theory (so, very much borderline between CS, Maths and Economy).

My research focus has been on developing intelligent techniques for data analysis, dealing with uncertainty and imprecision, so mostly statistical methods (grant from the Army to work on this), machine learning approaches, and extensions. Lately, I've been focusing on biological datasets to analyse. Many of these themes are very popular in the Quant world and therefore I can definitely bring significant expertise, although my knowledge of finance is limited (but I learn fast). From a purely intellectual perspective, the problems in Quant are really fun to tackle so I know I can have a blast there.

I don't mind moving (US, Canada, Down-under, Europe)...but the question is...I don't know where to start looking, I don't have real contacts etc. but I'm very eager to get contacts, etc.

So, if there are recruiters that can either give me some advice or would like to chat, feel free to contact me.


We have a guide to getting a quant job, which you can have if you send your CV to
From what I see there are jobs for people like you, but a bit of time hitting the books would bring you a lot of benefit. Over on We observe the quants often come into the game after a bit of academic life
As a matter of fact this is what I am doing. I can't really leave my job before August anyway. My colleagues are also my friends, and leaving would imply that some projects couldn't be finished.
I have bought several books of the MFE program. I guess some will be easy reading like Shreve.
I'm already very familiar with Karatzas and Shreve, Watanabe and several other classic refs. on stochastic calculus, and was lucky enough to take these classes with PL Lions (Fields medal).
I am sending my resume also.