Regarding the use of ChatGPT in this course

Hello everyone,

I have a few questions regarding the usage of ChatGPT in this course (I just started the course and haven't completed the first assignment yet). Like I imagine most people here, I really want to take the most out of this course and become a good C++ programmer. I would also like to avoid being ejected from the couse for plagiarism issues, which thus explains the following questions:

1) Is using ChatGPT as an assisting tool in this course completely forbidden? Only tolerated? Or maybe encouraged?
2) If it is authorized, what are the limits on its usage? It is quite obvious that simply copy/paste the question on ChatGPT and submit the generated answer in my assignment would be breaching the limits, but what about the following:
2a. Can I use ChatGPT to optimize my own code (thus learning more efficient ways to achieve a specific solution) and submit the optimized version (which is based on my own code)?
2b. If I'm completely stuck on a question, should I spend 3 hours trying to figure out things by myself, looking things up on google/stack overflow, or can I just see what ChatGPT comes up with, use that answer, and spend 1 hour making sure that I understand its solution and that I can replicate it on my own in the future?
3) For example, one of my friends (who started with as little coding experience as I do today) took this course in the past and told me that he struggle quite a long time understanding the shift operator and the difference between an arithmetic and logical shift. On my side, it took me about 15mins to get a good grasp on the (basics) of the concept just by asking questions with examples to ChatGPT. Is this a good way to do things?

Thank you for your answers.
I'll let Prof Duffy and sir Avi respond, but I'd personally avoid it for the course. After you finish the second advanced course you should have a good foundation and will be able to have much better judgement on if whatever is generated by chatGPT is good or not. For now I'd say go through the growing pains and struggles to learn the fundamentals of the language and the concepts taught in the course.
You should not use chat gpt for anything other than potentially getting conceptual explanations; that said, I still believe you'd be better served asking questions on this forum where you'll get answers based on real world experience, which is not always the same as the 'theoretical' answer.

Using ChatGPT for any of the exercises, to any extent, falls strictly under the Academic Integrity Policy and is not allowed.
I just see what ChatGPT comes up with, use that answer, and spend 1 hour making sure that I understand its solution and that I can replicate it on my own in the future?

It is one way,but ChatGPT has done the hard thinking for you.
What happens when ChatGPT cannot answer and you haven't built the skills to tackle harder problems on your own?
It's a kind of spoon-feeding.
I just see what ChatGPT comes up with, use that answer, and spend 1 hour making sure that I understand its solution and that I can replicate it on my own in the future?

It is one way,but ChatGPT has done the hard thinking for you.
What happens when ChatGPT cannot answer and you haven't built the skills to tackle harder problems on your own?
It's a kind of spoon-feeding.
Yes, understood. I suppose it is quite similar to solving a math problem: it is better to go through the struggle, which somewhat "ingrains" the process in my head, rather than just going to the back of the book to check the solution and learn the solution by heart.
Yes, understood. I suppose it is quite similar to solving a math problem: it is better to go through the struggle, which somewhat "ingrains" the process in my head, rather than just going to the back of the book to check the solution and learn the solution by heart.
On the other hand, the added value of QN is

1. quickly help you with conceptual issues.
2. Compiler errors resolution ASAP.

And you make the magic between 1 and 2.
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If you want to use Gemini you must be over 18!

I just caught ChatGPT-4 blatantly lying about the differences between user-level and system-level OS threads. When I confronted it, it confessed, apologized, and thanked me for the correction. Students, beware: Unless you can tell the right from the wrong, assume that ChatGPT-4 lies to you.