Retaking Certificate

Two questions:

1) I was wondering if it's possible to retake the certificate in the event of not being able to pass/complete in 16 weeks. I understand it would require paying the entire fee again but it would be still quite useful.

2) Is it necessary to finish the final exam in the 10th week or within the 16 weeks duration? Suppose I finish 9 levels, is it possible to take the final perhaps at the end of the 16th week. Is the final like quiz or a programming exercise or a combination?
Hi Shankar
Our goal is to help every student complete the certificate within the 16 week timeframe.
1) yes, you can re-enroll to complete it.
2) you need to complete all the hw and pass all the quizzes by the last day of your 16th week. The final exam can be arranged to take place at the earliest convenient time for both you and your tA.
Let me know if I can help with anything. I'm just an email or a post away.
Thanks for your response. Well, I shall try to finish the homeworks and quiz by the due date but am unsure. I shall keep you posted.
Andy: I could not finish the certificate. I was wondering what would be the procedure to .re-enroll, if possible. Had been quite busy with a new job. Will there be any discount for retaking (am also a part time student at CUNY Graduate center)?
Second question: Can I just submit the assignments that I did not complete or will I have to resubmit the ones that I have done this time?

Hi Shankar,
As your circumstance is unique, I sent you a PM to discuss options you may take to finish the certificate. I'm happy to help so you can get the most out of this learning experience.
Hi Andy,
I also have similar, problem. I had wanted to finish my certificate in February. However, the demand of my job and the pressure from management to get some training to enable me get my promotion was great. Again I had an occupational injury whiles working offshore. However, I still want to finish the course as soon as possible. What arrangement can be made for me. Do I need to start all over and pay full tuition? Thanks
Hi Andy,
I am starting to review the material/videos again since i did not complete the program in time, and noticed that all levels of the video lectures are not available to view. Do i still need to complete the quizes to move onto the next set of video lectures? is there a way to watch all the videos without taking the quizes since i am no longer enrolled?

Hi Andy,

I was wondering if I could arrange to extend my course time so that I can complete the certificate. What would the procedure be in this case? Appreciate greatly your help in this regard.
Hello Andy,

I enrolled almost 2 weeks ago and so far is not going very smoothly as I have almost no CS background. I am stills stuck on level 1. I am in grad school full time, and have spent at least 30-40 hours on this course in the last two weeks. I would like to complete it, but just worried if I'll be able to do it on time. So, not sure if I should withdraw while I can still get my money back... If I don't manage to do it in 16 weeks, is it possible to file for an extension?
Hello Andy,

I enrolled almost 2 weeks ago and so far is not going very smoothly as I have almost no CS background. I am stills stuck on level 1. I am in grad school full time, and have spent at least 30-40 hours on this course in the last two weeks. I would like to complete it, but just worried if I'll be able to do it on time. So, not sure if I should withdraw while I can still get my money back... If I don't manage to do it in 16 weeks, is it possible to file for an extension?
You can always get a full refund if you are within 14 days period. You still have plenty of time to complete the course, given that you are already spending 30+ hours. So maybe you can look at the way you tackle the materials so far?
Have you looked at the video lectures and read the materials thoroughly? Did you look at the particular problem and ask the questions? Did you get satisfactory answers from the TA and other students?

From my experience, level 1 and 2 are the biggest hurdle for students with no prior programming experience. Once you can get through that, it is easier to go through the rest.

If you have decided that you want to be in this industry, you would have to show that you are able to learn this material. I don't think there is an easier solution.

We also provide extension for students who many need some extra time to complete the certificate. We would discuss that at the end of the course, based on the progress made so far.
Thank you Andy. I think I am starting to understand a little better.

I have another question. I am interested in Baruch's Financial Engineering program. Right now, I am at Pace doing MS in Investment Management (should graduate this summer), also a former CUNY student. I know that besides C++, you are also offering math seminars. I think for me it would be cheaper and easier to take a math course in one of the CUNY schools. Would you recommend what courses would make the most sense (I had only one calculus course)?

Also, how important is GMAT in the application process? I got 660, and abysmally low math score (never done this badly on a math test in my life) 52 percentile. I know, if study specifically for GMAT math, I will score over 700, but I might have enough time to accomplish all of my goals. In addition, I am going to take a Java course at Pace this summer.

You can always get a full refund if you are within 14 days period. You still have plenty of time to complete the course, given that you are already spending 30+ hours. So maybe you can look at the way you tackle the materials so far?
Have you looked at the video lectures and read the materials thoroughly? Did you look at the particular problem and ask the questions? Did you get satisfactory answers from the TA and other students?

From my experience, level 1 and 2 are the biggest hurdle for students with no prior programming experience. Once you can get through that, it is easier to go through the rest.

If you have decided that you want to be in this industry, you would have to show that you are able to learn this material. I don't think there is an easier solution.

We also provide extension for students who many need some extra time to complete the certificate. We would discuss that at the end of the course, based on the progress made so far.

Hi Andy,
I have the same problem myself. My full time job occupies most of my time currently and my time is limited according to the study plannning you suggested.
Since I have already paid for the course one week ago, can you help me schedule a date (next month maybe) to start because I still want to learn it?
Thank you!
Hi Andy,
I have the same problem myself. My full time job occupies most of my time currently and my time is limited according to the study plannning you suggested.
Since I have already paid for the course one week ago, can you help me schedule a date (next month maybe) to start because I still want to learn it?
Thank you!
Actually, I think you have the option to take full refund of the tuition in the first two weeks of your enrollment.
@Andy Nguyen
Hi Andy:
Sorry for the trouble but I am also thinking about re-enroll the course in order to get the certificate. I have already finished all the HW for 9 levels and they are ready for submission. Can you do me a favor to email me the option for re-enroll. Thanks a lot.
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