Review my profile for MFE 2025

Hi, I will be graduating college next year July 2025 and looking to apply for MFE program for Fall of 2025. Please suggest what all improvements can I make and what all university do I have good chance among the top 10 of USA.

Education : B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from IIT-Kanpur, Minor in machine Learning, Academic Excellence award for top 10% in college
CGPA : 8.6/10
Key Certifications : FRM (cleared Level -1)
Research Work :
1) A research publication in SSRN journal regarding the Indian Stock market prediction done under Prof. Philip Treleaven (University College London) ( NPL and Time series Analysis) (5th author sadly)
2) A paper in underwriting on Microfinance loans in India under Indian School of Business Hyderabad ( to be done by July) (In partnership with famous Indian bank )( ML application based paper)(First author)(Will try for a reputed Finance conference)

1) SDE summer internship at Oracle ,2.5months
2) Research Associate at ISB-Hyd and UCL, 10+months each
3) ML intern under Lohum(Cell recycling company) (for mapping of non-linear degradation of lithium ion cells) 6months

Project : Algotrading project for trading month long spreads of options of NIFTY-200 stocks

Relavant Course work:

Math : Real Analysis, Partial Differential equations , Complex variables, Linear Algebra,
Machine Learning : Data Structures and Algorithms, Natural Language processing, Reinforcement Learning , Advance topics in ML (gen AI) ,
Prob : Probability and Statistics , Intelligent Pattern Recognition, Statistical & AI Techniques in Data Mining

fluent in C++,Java, python, Mathlab
1750 codeforces rating

GRE: Will take it soon but on mock test I am expecting about 330+.
Your profile is good. Some programs favour work exp. while some not so much. You can focus more on those which don't.
Your profile is good. Some programs favour work exp. while some not so much. You can focus more on those which don't.
Thanks man, but like what can I do to improve this one as I got solid more 6 months left, I was considering to do the PRE-MFE from baruch college, and try for the 90%+ certification so that I get more credibility as I already have solid knowledge in maths . Also can you state which ones support work exp and which one acad exp, as I got more acad exp than just work
I did baruch's pre-mfe and got distinction in those, and I think it helped my application. The courses are pretty good, you can do them.
I also took gre maths subject test, however I wouldn't recommend it unless you just want to do it for fun. It doesn't have a good roi. Only couple of programs accept gre maths score (uchicago and courant).

And as far as which programs favour work exp, they explicitly mention it on their website, check there.

I guess you can try to better your programming skills. Couple of suggestions from my end -
1. the calendar spread of nifty options which you talk about, go deeper into that. create different strategies, derive their projected pnl, probability of profit etc, build a library out of it. Publish it on github.
2. or try to break into regionals icpc
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I did baruch's pre-mfe and got distinction in those, and I think it helped my application. The courses are pretty good, you can do them.
I also took gre maths subject test, however I wouldn't recommend it unless you just want to do it for fun. It doesn't have a good roi. Only couple of programs accept gre maths score (uchicago and courant).

And as far as which programs favour work exp, they explicitly mention it on their website, check there.

I guess you can try to better your programming skills. Couple of suggestions from my end -
1. the calendar spread of nifty options which you talk about, go deeper into that. create different strategies, derive their projected pnl, probability of profit etc, build a library out of it. Publish it on github.
2. or try to break into regionals icpc
Damm thats is a good advice like thanks like I already read the spread algo and earn some money but I will document that and show it gives good profit. ICPC like seems possible tbh but I gotta work really hard but yes I totally forgot about this. I am just scared that I do not have enough maths qualification as I am an electrical engineer and had very few maths courses and less options to choose the maths electives too as all the open electives are in last 2 sems and I cannot write that in my resume as it will already be finished sadly.
You look very well prepared, you will be accepted in the top ten. I'd go for top three.
Thanks alot but Idk Baruch still seems out of reach and when I look the the current students list and their profiles. Like alot of them got strong work experience in finance and I got none sadly. So anything can you suggest how can I improve my profile other than that latus_rectum said
Thanks alot but Idk Baruch still seems out of reach and when I look the the current students list and their profiles. Like alot of them got strong work experience in finance and I got none sadly. So anything can you suggest how can I improve my profile other than that latus_rectum said
Baruch accepts all qualified applicants. It's easy to be apprehensive, but I think you've got a shot. They've taken an 8 year graduated journalist and turned her into an employee of a hedge fund with a couple reports. Read Dan Stefanica's books, written for pre-MFE students, linked below. If you are up to scratch they will take you.

The only thing I don't see in your profile is numerical linear algebra. He's got a book on that too.

I'm on the same timeline as you, if you want, dm me and we can talk further. You're better prepared for sure, but I'll pass on what I'm able. Your work experience is great, and will be an asset.

Baruch accepts all qualified applicants. It's easy to be apprehensive, but I think you've got a shot. They've taken an 8 year graduated journalist and turned her into an employee of a hedge fund with a couple reports. Read Dan Stefanica's books, written for pre-MFE students, linked below. If you are up to scratch they will take you.

The only thing I don't see in your profile is numerical linear algebra. He's got a book on that too.

I'm on the same timeline as you, if you want, dm me and we can talk further. You're better prepared for sure, but I'll pass on what I'm able. Your work experience is great, and will be an asset.

Hey thanks alot, like I am extactly scared about this course work issue. I will dm you as I wanna talk more!!
I am working as a financial engineer and was hoping to make a transition to researcher/quant strategist job.I am currently working outside the US and planning to relocate to US this year. I am thinking of applying to some US MFE programs to further my study but before that,I wanted to hear some honest opinions on whether it is even worth a try.To give you a little bit of my backgroud:I have graduated US collge (top25) with Stat/Econ major. My overall undergraduate GPA is over 3.8 but I have C+ in linear algebra ( I have an excuse but not going to elaborate it here).Most of my job consists of building/debugging a C++ library for pricing derivative products (QuantLib-like product). Although I think my work experience is quite relevant to mfe but I am little worried about my age which is 31. I don't this my age will hinder admission a lot but I am concerned I may be too old for job placement by the time I graduate.

Provide some advice.

Jack ;)
Profile looks very good @meowminimeow you can play combination of programming + ML as your strongholds. Definitely check latest placement stats from MFE alum of univs and apply. All the best !!