Seasonality in hiring/openings for Prop Shops/Market Makers

I'm seeking information on the seasonality of hiring/openings at Chicago-style quant prop shops/market makers. Essentially, are QR/QT openings highly concentrated at the beginning of the year (~Jan-April) or are there other periods with a decent hiring? I'm currently a sell-side equities quant in NYC and on the sell-side, openings are heavily clustered at beginning of year when bonuses are paid and budgets are finalized. The rest of the year is mostly replacements or pressing need hires.

To be structured, I'd appreciate if, along with general color, responses included an estimate of percent of annual openings by quarter or whichever monthly interval you prefer (eg: Q1:70%, Q2:10%...)

For some background, I'm planning to relocate to Chicago in 2024 (moving back home), so I want to recruit for a QR role at the beginning of next year. However, I'm also finishing up a part-time, online MFE and expect to graduate in May or August 2024. Part of me would like to take a few months off to dedicate fully to school, then kick off the search again when it's finished but I'm worried that by that time, openings will have slowed to a trickle and I don't want it to be the case that I have to take a subpar role or wait until the start of the following year.

As an aside, I'd also appreciate any color on whether being a part-time student is generally a ding if I have years of experience. The degree is mostly for long-term job security and to fill in some gaps.

Thanks in advance!
I cannot quantify seasonality. These firms are used to hiring from competitors with long non-competes. I'd start your process early in the year and see how it shakes out. If you get offers, those firms will likley wait 6 months.