SQL grouping Question

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select d.row_wid, d.x_hhold_num, deposits_end_bal
from w_household_d d, wc_hhold_balhstry_f f
where d.row_wid = f.household_wid
order by deposits_end_bal desc


The above query generates a list of all the customers in the descending order of amount they have in their accounts.

It generates a list of roughly 300000 customers.

How do I group this list which comes up in descending order, into groups of 30000( 30 k) each??

Thanks in advance
In SQL Server 2005, you could use the new ROW_NUMBER() function.

Something along these lines should work...

select t1.ROWID/ 30000 as grpid, t1.deposits_end_bal from
select row_number() OVER ( ORDERBY deposits_end_bal DESC ) AS ROWID, * from wc_hhold_balhstry_f
) t1
orderby t1.deposits_end_bal DESC
You can refer to any column on this line:
select t1.ROWID/ 30000 as grpid, t1.deposits_end_bal, <*here*> from
that is included in the inner table/query t1.

Exactly what are you trying to accomplish with the list?
If the problem space is detailed, there will be that much less going back and forth....
You have to add a record counter and use it to create groups of 30k records:

First, create a counter field in a Query on w_household_d table, assuming row_wid is unique:


SELECT (SELECT COUNT(row_wid) FROM w_household_d AS a1 WHERE a1.row_wid<= a2.row_wid) AS [counter], a2.*
FROM w_household_d AS a2
ORDER BY a2.row_wid;

and modify your query:

SELECT INT(d.counter/30000) AS groupBy, d.counter,d.row_wid, d.x_hhold_num, d.deposits_end_bal, f.test
FROM myQuery: AS d, wc_hhold_balhstry_f AS f
WHERE (((d.row_wid)=f.household_wid))
GROUP BY d.counter,d.row_wid, d.x_hhold_num, d.deposits_end_bal, f.test, d.counter
ORDER BY d.counter,d.deposits_end_bal DESC;

You should group the out of the last query by groupBy.
My final objective is -

After I get this list of 300000 users and their account information ....I will arrange them in the descending order of the amount they have in their accounts.

After this I have to break this list ( which is already in descending order) into groups of 30000 users each . This will give me a rough lot of about 10 groups.

Then I have to make comparisons between these groups using various factors for investment/banking strategy purposes.

That is the reason that I need SQL query which can
- Get the Account information
-Break down the information into 10 groups of 30000 users each
- Populate a page with the results of the above query.

I just started working at this bank and kinda new to SQL , so I might be overlooking a lot of things. You r help is appreciated.

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