Many academic papers in finance use the exact same format. I like its simplicity and prefer it to default format in MS Word, therefore I'd like to know how to go about to obtain the exact same format.
Examples: (One-Click Download) (One-Click Download)
What I am wondering:
1. Is there a standardized template one can use to get the same format on regular text, headings, table of contens, equations etc.?
2. What is the name of the exact font?
3. Is it the same font that's used throughout both of the papers?
4. Could these papers possibly have been written in a different program than MS Word?
Examples: (One-Click Download) (One-Click Download)
What I am wondering:
1. Is there a standardized template one can use to get the same format on regular text, headings, table of contens, equations etc.?
2. What is the name of the exact font?
3. Is it the same font that's used throughout both of the papers?
4. Could these papers possibly have been written in a different program than MS Word?